Tag Archives: Gandalf

LEGO Dimensions Releases Wave 6 Today

LEGO Dimensions Packs
Photo-A-Day #4185

Today LEGO Dimensions released a whole bunch of new sets as part of Wave 6. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment sent me a couple of packs for free to review. They are the Ghostbusters Story Pack and the Mission Impossible Level Pack. I also pre-ordered the B.A. Baracus Fun Pack and the Harry Potter Team Pack. I was planning on getting everything up and ready to go today and do some unboxing videos but I forgot that I had to update the software and that takes some time. Once I did that then I had to download the level packs. Because Tuesdays are crazy busy all around I did not end up with videos made.

Once we got home from all the errands I played a little on the Wii U Gamepad while the kids watched TV. I think I have to go and play with the full TV on next time so I can see everything. I seemed to be missing out on some things. So, tomorrow I’ll be making the videos. In the meantime you can see my vlog from today and after the jump you can read about all the new things with LEGO Dimensions Year 2.

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King Richard’s Faire Was Cancelled. What Did We Do?

LEGO Dimensions Time
Photo-A-Day #4163

For the first time ever, in our experience, King Richard’s Faire got cancelled on a day that we were planning to go. With the possibility of high winds and rain the Faire was cancelled for today. Unfortunately for me, it was pretty much the only day I could go. I hope to get there with the family at some point this year, but we’ll see.

So, instead we started the day with breakfast over at Bliss Bros. Dairy. I knew the kids would be disappointed that we weren’t going, so a fun breakfast out might ease the disappointment. The kids were good and they had a nice time. They were very well behaved, too.

We got home and Eva dug out her Drabbit that she won last year at the Faire. Andrew wanted his, too and I got it for him. They then played with them for a while and it made them feel better about missing the Faire.

I also let them open LEGO Dimensions fun packs and play the game with me. Andrew opened Superman and Eva opened Unikitty. We’re enjoying this game more and more.

I got some outdoor work done including cutting back the Wisteria, mowing the lawn and more.

In today’s vlog I mention my friend, Justin Connors. He had a photo of his go viral and I wanted to help spread the word. So check it out and check out his vlog at https://www.youtube.com/user/Lifein140.