Tag Archives: iPod


Since I am always on the lookout for new podcasts now that I have my iPod I have come across some interesting things to listen to. Like Podfitness, I found that through an ad on Google and it looks really interesting. You upload your music to iTunes and Podfitness will mix that with workouts from one of over 80 trainers. One of the trainers is Danny Bonaduce. I heard that he does a lot of working out. I think that was on the Breaking Bonaduce show that he was addicted to the gym or something. I bet his trainings were intense. I may look into how these things work. The other one I would like to check out is iTrain.

I am so getting this

I found the perfect accessory to my recently purchased iPod. It is a transformer docking station. It is from Japan. In Japan they call Optimus Prime Convoy and this is the Convoy docking station. The trailer is a docking station and the cab is a G1 size transforming robot. It is white for a white iPod so I am holding out hope that a black one will be released to go with my Black iPod. I am anxious to see what else is going to be coming out for Transformers as the movie approaches this July. I can’t wait.