Today was my telecommute day. I enjoy those days because one of the high points is when Eva wakes up. She always has a super smile for me when she sees me on those mornings. It is the best feeling. That smile is just such a joy. Eva and I played “chase” this afternoon. Here is a video I made of “chase”. She loves it.
Today I received a “Postie Pack” from IZEA! There was a yo-yo, finger puppet, pencil, set of magnets and an IZEA hat. I wore that hat most of the day. I then decided to step into BenSpark’s PhotoBooth and take a few shots. This one below ended up as one I decided to use as my new Avatar.
I had been thinking that I didn’t have enough self portraits for my new set of business cards. I have a set of Moo cards to order because I have a really cool event coming up in March.
Today we received a couple other packages. The first one was a second car seat for Eva. We needed a second one so that anyone else watching Eva could have a car seat to use. The other one was a Valentine’s Day gift for Allison and it was so tasty. I won a $70 credit from Dad-Blogs and ProFlowers. So I ordered a dozen roses that arrived yesterday and then a dozen hand-dipped Chocolate covered strawberries. Prepare to salivate. Photos below.
The cows are from the farm up the road. I took photos of them today for my Dad. He raised cows when he was younger, he even built a barn when he was 15 years old. It still stands today. He builds things to last. Anyway he had quite the day so this photo is for him.
There are also horses up there but they are on another farm. Each day when I come home and see the sun setting and looking awesome I want to go up to the farms to see if there are any horses or cows out because I love taking shots of them. Here is one of a horse from up on the farms.
When I got home Eva and my mom and Allison were out in the driveway. Eva was wearing the cutest new jacket that she got from Mimi. So we played “chase” around the driveway. Eva likes “chase” especially when we play it around the house, she’s not that fast yet so we have to “run” slower. I run around one side of the bed and duck down and hide, then she comes around the side of the bed and finds me. I jump up and roll across the bed and hide on the other side. She giggles like crazy and runs around the other side of the bed and I do it again. I do this till I am to tired to do it anymore. It is so cute when she says “chase”.
Another thing that makes Eva giggle are dolphins. She went to Sea World with our friend Mo when we were at IZEAFest last year. I’m hoping that Eva gets a chance to get to go to SeaWorld again soon. And to help ensure that I am entering the contest at I know that tons of people will enter but I have been on this winning streak like you wouldn’t beleive so I figure what the heck, worth a try right?