Tag Archives: Lunch

Lunch for Eighty Cents

Photo-A-Day #2497

Today we went our for lunch and it only cost us $0.80. That included free refillable cups, face (hand) painting, balloons and lots of coupons. A new 7-11 opened down the road from us and they offered 7 cent hot dogs and 11 cent Slurpees. I was alerted to this grand opening by a friend on Facebook. Since the new 7-11 was on the way to the Comic Book store I figured it would work well to go pick up the books and catch some lunch. Eva had a great time and loved her little butterfly painting on her hand. She also liked the balloon sword that she got, however, it did not survive the ride home.

Spending Some Pre-Baby QT with Eva

Photo-A-Day #2405

We are a little over a week away from Allison’s due date and I figured that before the baby comes I’d spend a day with Eva doing what she’d like to do. It turns out that I spent more time with her than anticipated because Allison wasn’t feeling so well this morning (no the baby did not arrive yet, we are still on Babywatch 2011) and so I took Eva to school and picked her up. I was planning on picking her up anyway to take her for lunch and then to a park of the zoo. We had a lunch at McDonalds and she played int he playground inside. Then we went over to the Capron Park Zoo because it was so beautiful outside. Continue reading Spending Some Pre-Baby QT with Eva