Tag Archives: minifigure

LEGO Dimensions Releases Wave 6 Today

LEGO Dimensions Packs
Photo-A-Day #4185

Today LEGO Dimensions released a whole bunch of new sets as part of Wave 6. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment sent me a couple of packs for free to review. They are the Ghostbusters Story Pack and the Mission Impossible Level Pack. I also pre-ordered the B.A. Baracus Fun Pack and the Harry Potter Team Pack. I was planning on getting everything up and ready to go today and do some unboxing videos but I forgot that I had to update the software and that takes some time. Once I did that then I had to download the level packs. Because Tuesdays are crazy busy all around I did not end up with videos made.

Once we got home from all the errands I played a little on the Wii U Gamepad while the kids watched TV. I think I have to go and play with the full TV on next time so I can see everything. I seemed to be missing out on some things. So, tomorrow I’ll be making the videos. In the meantime you can see my vlog from today and after the jump you can read about all the new things with LEGO Dimensions Year 2.

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LEGO Minifig Crayon Mold

Photo-A-Day #3053

Starting today I am a writer for the new e-zine from Cooper & Kid called Catch. I will be writing about play. My topic will cover projects and toys and more. My very first post is up today. It explains who I am and how I will be approaching Play. Please come and comment on the post as well as the others from great dads.

So I’ll be doing Play and projects. One such project that I’ll be writing about in the future is creating our own crayons using silicone molds. I ordered this mold above from amazon.com as the first one to use as a test. We’ve got a ton of old crayons around the house and they will be perfect for melting down and turning into new crayons to enjoy.

Doing a search on amazon.com for different silicone molds led me to start my own wishlist for molds that I’d like to use for other projects in the future, baking, candy, soap, candles. All sorts of things you can do with silicone molds. I started down a crazy rabbit hole of molds and started putting all of my favorites into a wishlist titled Silicone Molds. I’m excited to make these crayons with Eva and use them with both of the kids.

I have a bunch of fun ideas for projects and look forward to writing my new posts for Catch. Please join me there and help me with new ideas for Play.