Tag Archives: Miraculous

Upcoming Week of Reviews Preview

Xtreme Cycle Moto-Cam
Photo-A-Day #4148

This past week I focused on getting the house in order so that we can show it, sell it and move. I also have a growing pile of items to review. The pile needs to get smaller. With the kids heading to school the week after this one I’m going to have to get things going if I want them to be a part of the videos. Especially if I want Eva to be a part of each video. Our time together gets so limited once the school year starts and it will continue to be limited especially with all the homework she will get as she goes from year to year. I hope that we made the most of our Summer time together.

I’m learning how to drive that Xtreme RC Cycle Moto-Cam. I took it with me to work yesterday and drove it around the parking lot in the morning before I headed home. There is tons of space so it was great for riding. I’m going to try and take it to a park tomorrow and film some stunts. I’ll try not to hit my tripod this time.

Playground, More Mail, Our Not So Perfect Life

Photo-A-Day #4132

Often I cut out those things that are less than perfect in my videos and blog posts. With my Stare Down the Wolf post and video I sort of tossed that out the window and so today’s video shows one of those life moments where things aren’t going so great.

I had to go home from the Cape today. I wanted to do something with the kids and there wasn’t much time to go and do a water balloon fight (which we are going to do next week, I have a ton of Bunch’O Balloons to use) and it was early to hit the beach. I decided that we head over to the playground near the library for a fun morning playing. The playground is great, it has a bunch of fun parts to it. For the most part the kids had fun and were awesome. Then I wanted to get some video on the swings. This became a problem. Andrew was so unhappy that his sister could swing so much higher than he could. She has learned how to swing well and she’s also 4 years older. He got very frustrated and started crying on the swings. Normally I’d stop filming but this time I just let it roll.

After some time at the Cape house I headed home through very light traffic. I’m glad I wasn’t going the other way because it was already backing up. When I got home there were three boxes waiting for me. One form Netflix, another from Speck and another from Playmates Toys. I open them all on the vlog.