Tag Archives: North Attleboro Santa Parade

I Love Parades

I Love Parades
Photo-A-Day #2060

Today Allison, Eva and I got in a great day of family fun. The North Attleboro Santa Parade was in the late afternoon and it was so much fun for Eva. It was nice to see her having such fun with her friend Audrey. We met up with Michele and Bob and their kids Nate and Audrey. The kids were having a great time. The had fun catching candy, waving to everyone and seeing Santa. Eva was in awe of the groups of dancers too. Continue reading I Love Parades

North Attleboro Santa Parade 2009

Photo-A-Day #1696

Today was the annual North Attleboro Santa Parade. This parade is put on by the Downtown Associates of North Attleborough, DANA. Each year many schools, dance studios and businesses participate in the parade and each year Allison and I go to see it. Last year was rainy and cold but we went never-the-less. This year the weather was great and we had a nice time. We stood with Allison’s friend Jodi and her family. Her daughters played with Eva and even picked up some of the candy tossed their way and gave it to Eva. Eva made out pretty good on the whole deal.

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