Tag Archives: Podcast

Acid Tweets

Acid Tweets
Photo-A-Day #1379

I’ve been doing some interesting things with Photoshop lately. One great resource is Photoshop Elements Killer Tips. This is a very cool video podcast that helps users master great tricks with Photoshop Elements. I’ll tell you more about it once the event happens next Friday.

But one thing I’ve done with PhotoShop is finally update my Twitter background with a custom one. I detailed info about that on The Wired Kayaker blog. I had a lot of fun working on this and I hope that you get a kick out of it too.

If you look deeper at my Twitter background you’ll see an Easter Egg. That is what prompted photographing some of my Transformers today. They Transformers pictured are Acid Storm and Prowl.

My friend Mo of We’re In A Fight was at SeaWorld today and she saw some folks from IZEA. She even caught a glimpse of Ted Murphy but she was unable to catch him. I tweeted the whole thing but was unable to connect them. It could be that Ted had to go and dry off after being swamped by Shamu.

Wired Kayaker Podcast #5

Finally after nearly 2 full months I was able to get some time to work on and complete the Wired Kayaker podcast #5. I want to thank Keith and Bill for their patience while I worked on this. I had a great time paddling with them nearly 2 months ago. Here is the episode.

Ten Mile River Trip from BenSpark on Vimeo.

I paddled up the 10 mile river today with Keith and Bill. We explored the twists and turns of the river and made it to Hunt’s Mill. More about the trip at https://benspark.com/pad-1233.html and https://benspark.com/paddle-on-the-10-mile-river.html