Tag Archives: Podcast

Photo-A-Day #719 03/28/07

Today I demonstrated in Grand Rapids, MN. The demonstrations went pretty well. I talked so much that I completely lost my voice. I sound like a giant bullfrog. I had about 3 small pots of tea at dinner and my voice is now different but at least my throat isn’t totally raw and sore. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #719 03/28/07

Photo-A-Day #717 03/26/07

Sunrise at Logan Airport

Getting up in the early early morning has some benefits. Shorter lines at the airport, and occasionally I get a great sunrise to look at. I’ve been thinking about the upcoming Photo contest on FuelMyBlog and the theme is “My Window on the World”. So that was my window on the world today and many other days. Maybe I should submit it. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #717 03/26/07