Tag Archives: Podcast

Photo-A-Day #715 03/24/07


Today Allison had Zeta Day. I worked on the blog most of the morning. Then went and got lunch at d’Angelo, got my comic books and took a ride out by the farms. There were some horses out and the sun was out on this beautiful day. I went home and decided to head back up to the farms on foot with my Nikon D80 Digital SLR camera. I took this photo on that walk. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #715 03/24/07

Photo-A-Day #702 03/11/07

Today I snowshoed up and around the Flume in the Franconia Notch State Park. I was with Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne and their friends Marylin and Andy. Allison hung back at the house and got a ton of knitting done as well as some book club reading completed. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #702 03/11/07