Tag Archives: Podcast

Photo-A-Day #700 03/09/07

Allison and I pose with the QuikPod

Today’s photo was taken by me using a great new device that I just received in the mail. I learned about this from Cali Lewis on GeekBrief.tv. It is called the QuikPod and I wrote a great post about it on Flatwater. I used the QuikPod for today’s Photo-A-Day and a few other things that I am working on and am very excited that it arrived before the weekend. So now I can try using it while I am on my snowshoeing trip this weekend. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #700 03/09/07

Photo-A-Day #690 02/27/07


Living in New England you see lots of old cemeteries with rock walls around them. I remember when I was a kid in grade school I was an altar boy and I had to do a funeral at this cemetery. I drive by it almost every day for work. I like to take back roads, just like my Christopher Williams shirt says. I really like how the rock walls and these ancient stones look. This gravestone is from 1853 but the woman buried there was born on February 26, 1767, wow that would have been freaky if I took this picture yesterday. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #690 02/27/07