Tag Archives: Rotten Tomatoes

Review: Zootopia – In Theaters Today

Zootopia is 100 percent certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes

Two weeks ago the family went into Boston for a preview screening of Zootopia. I’ve been holding in this review since that time. What a wonderful movie. The whole family loved seeing this movie. There were some interesting themes on heroism, racism and stereotypes. It was also a buddy cop movie. While Nick Wilde, the fox, was not a cop he was very much a partner to Judy Hopps, the first bunny cop of the Zootopia Police Department. It felt a little like the movie 48 hours with Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy. Two unlikely people forced to work together who eventually find a mutual respect for each other. That and Judy Hopps has 48 hours to solve her case. The casting of Ginnifer Goodwin and Jason Bateman was excellent, they both brought those characters to life in a very real way. There is a lot of heart in this movie. I know I got a bit choked up at least once or twice.

Our kids has a great time with the movie and they picked out some of the most important themes of the movie. I am always impressed by how tuned in these kids are to the themes of kindness and the importance of being a good person. I can’t tell you their favorite parts of the movie since they would be spoilers. But let’s just say that these kids nailed the importance of loyalty and honesty and believing in yourself. There are so many great themes in this movie that were explored. It is a perfect movie for families.

There may be a few moments of intense action that may scare younger children. Andrew and Eva did manage to weather it pretty well, though.

The addition of Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde to Disney Infinity is also hilarious. We got those early this week and made a special video about the figures here. I do point out a spoiler before I reveal one of the power discs so you can watch safely.

I also have some fun activities below that I know that my kids will really enjoy especially how to draw Judy Hopps and Flash. And below that is more information, including the trailer, on Zootopia to make your own decision for your family. But I would say, go see this fun family movie.

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