Tag Archives: School

New School Zone Signs

Andy has the ball
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01527

I grew up across the street from my grade school. I went there over 30 years ago. There has never ever been a school zone sign on that street. This year there is one. The kids in Andy’s class contacted the DPW and requested that signs be put up on Church St. and Richard’s Ave. They were installed this week and WBZ news came to the school and interviewed the kids. The DPW even brought a new football for the kids and in the news segment we have Andy throwing the ball to their classmates. Here is the link to the video segment. North Attleboro fifth graders get slow zone outside of school after car crushes football

Andy’s Invention Convention

Invention Convention
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01492

Tonight was Andy’s Invention Convention at school. Andy created the “Meow Cat-Her 3000”. This device is supposed to pet your cats when you are not around. Andy came up with the idea and I helped build the prototype. Several trips to Lowes and many dollars later this is the finished product.

Andy’s invention was one of the ones that had more thought put into it than some of the others. Maybe I am biased because I helped Andy out with this one but there were some where there was no effort put in overall. Andy would demonstrate this invention and Andy showed all 3 of the prototype attachments. I got some new tools out of the deal.