Tag Archives: Slugterra

Slugterra Sunday

Photo-A-Day #3019

At the beginning of the month there were some new Slugterra episodes. We’ve watched all of them and even have them saved on the DVR because both Eva and I love them. I honestly thought that the show was going to be trash when I got a copy of the first five episodes on DVD. I didn’t want to watch it because I thought it would be so stupid.

Then I watched it.

And I loved it.

Back in February I attended Toy Fair and made it my personal point to find the company that makes Slugterra Toys. I found them and was able to get all of the slugs that would be available in stores. Thing is, I can’t find them in stores anywhere. I did see them at my Toys R Us once and the toys were all over the place because there are small figures like the slugs above and blasters and then there are collectible darts. The collectible darts is something I just can’t get behind. Do you know why stores have packages of replacement darts for blasters? Because they get lost. Why make something collectible that is pretty much guaranteed to become lost after a session or two of slugslinging?

I did get a couple of the blasters but Eva and I haven’t played with them yet. I thing a YouTube video will be in out future. Right after we do one for the MEGA Bloks Skylanders Giants role play toys including Trigger Happy’s guns and Ignitor’s sword. We’ll be doing those soon.

Some Fun Desk Additions Thanks to Toy Fair

Photo-A-Day #2870

I brought home a nice big bag of toys from Toy Fair. Today I determined which ones would go with me to work and which ones would stay home and ultimately wind up in the hands of the kids. The photo is of the few items I brought to my office to now live on my desk. I’ve got a paleontologist from Playmobil complete with a little dinosaur friend. There are a couple of Smurfs there, Hefty and Handy as well as a Kre-O Transformers figure and some Slugterra Slugs. I didn’t want to go too crazy,. I’m running out of desk space as it is.

I did record a video though of all the cool stuff I got from Toy Fair.