Tag Archives: Star Wars Rebels

LEGO Star Wars Surprise

Polaroid SnapTouch
Photo-A-Day #4383

I’m getting things ready for our Spring Break Trip up to New Hampshire. I will be bringing along the Polaroid SnapTouch camera and the Cube+ and the Zip. The kids saw me playing with them and they wanted to try it out, so they let me take their photo with the SnapTouch. It isn’t be best camera but it is meant to print out 2X3 images on heat transfer paper so they don’t need to be high detail, but they aren’t too bad.

Like I said, we’re off on vacation for Spring Break next week and we’re not going to be doing a whole lot other than being together and having fun. So, I think that it is finally time to break out some of my LEGO Star Wars sets that I have been collecting for years. The kids are old enough to work together to make Luke’s X-Wing Fighter!

Easy Photo Tips – Inexpensive Backgrounds

Classic Comicbook Donatello
Photo-A-Day #4359

My friend Linsey asked me how I was getting a certain effect to my photos recently. She wanted to know what I was using and the answer was super simple. I bought two pieces of posterboard that had a two tone color to them. One is blue to yellow and the other is yellow to pink. I’ve been using them for a while now and I am noticing that my photos are looking very much the same. They are better for filming and for showcasing the toys. I’ll be picking up some more posterboard soon in different colors to match the different toys better.

So the technique is placing the posterboard down at a curve so that there are no angles. Then the light makes the poster a bit shiny at the curve. I’m going to figure out better ways to use these and the lights that I use for filming my videos. As I learn more I will make more videos like the one below.