Tag Archives: superhero

National Dog Day with the Inhumans’ Lockjaw

Andrew with Lockjaw
Photo-A-Day #4518

We received a special visitor in the mail the other day. An inhuman visitor has arrived just in time for National Dog Day. The teleporting inhuman bulldog, Lockjaw ported to our home to stay with us for a while. Who knows when he will decide to port away to help the royal family of Attilan. Lockjaw was sent to me to help promote the release of Marvel’s Inhumans in IMAX next Friday. I’ve been really excited about this and even bought the very first tickets for the 11:30am showing next Friday. I’m very excited about this. The show is having the first tow episodes released in IMAX and then the show launches on TV on September 29th.

Both kids were excited about this promotion. I think they are going to fight over who gets to take Lockjaw to bed with them. The day he arrived Eva was all about holding him, hugging him and more. Today Andrew saw him and then took him all over the house. We might have a problem here.

Continue reading National Dog Day with the Inhumans’ Lockjaw

Big News! Marvel Studios’ ANT-MAN AND THE WASP has Begun Production


In the “Little” announcement below we learn that the production has begun on Marvel Studios’ ANT-MAN AND THE WASP. I am excited for this. ANT-MAN was one of Marvel Studios’ funniest movies ever, top bill on that has to be Guardians of the Galaxy. I really enjoyed ANT-MAN and he stole a few moments in Captain America Civil War. I look forward to where things are going next especially since Evangeline Lily will have her own suit that can fly.

Check out the “mini” announcement and then more details on the film below.

Continue reading Big News! Marvel Studios’ ANT-MAN AND THE WASP has Begun Production