Tag Archives: switch

Opening Mario Sports Superstars amiibo Packs

Mario Sports Superstars amiibo packs
Photo-A-Day #4368

We received download codes for Mario Sports Superstars for free to try out the game and promote it. Opinions are our own. I went out and bought a couple of amiibo packs to enjoy with the game. This is my first pack to open and I wanted to show you how they loaded into the game. I also wanted to see if you could load them into Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. You can and they don’t do anything special like give link a racehorse or bats and golf clubs. That would have been cool.

Four Skylanders Toys Pulling Double Duty on the Nintendo Switch

4 Skylanders Toys Pulling Double Duty on the Nintendo Switch
Photo-A-Day #4352

The past few days I’ve been loading in all of my Skylanders to Skylanders Imaginators for the Nintendo Switch. I am also loading in my amiibo characters into The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in order to get tons of extra gear. I realized that there are four Skylanders toys that pull double duty. They act as Skylanders and also amiibo figures.

The Skylanders are Turbo Charge Donkey Kong and Hammer Slam Bowser and also their dark versions. I’m sure that people already know this but I wanted to point it out when you were thinking about loading up your amiibo into Breath of the Wild.