Tag Archives: Time to Play

Whoa where did Thursday Go

Photo-A-Day #2365

I have no idea where today went. I spent most of the morning doing followup with many of the contacts I made at the Time to Play showcase. There were so many great people that I met and trying to get caught up on Follow up takes a long time. the thing is I write a personal note to each person that I made contact with and to write a personal note takes a good ten to twenty minutes. So I didn’t get to everyone. I’m getting there. Continue reading Whoa where did Thursday Go

I Attended Time to Play’s Holiday 2011 Holiday Showcase

Photo-A-Day #2363

As a toy guy, I roam the toy aisle on every trip to Target and go out of my way to search for toys I love, going to Time To Play’s 2011 Holiday Showcase was like Christmas 1985 for me (I’m also a child of the 80’s so I find that the best year ever was 1985). My friend Adam Cohen (@DadaRocks) told me about this event when I was last in New York. He connected me with the awesome people at Litzky PR. I connected with Kaylie and after a phone call I was added to the list of attendees. A week after that I was asked to come out a day early for a special blogger dinner. Wow! I was so excited and coming down to meet with tons of great oty companies was sooo worth it! I got to meet so many amazing people. Continue reading I Attended Time to Play’s Holiday 2011 Holiday Showcase