Tag Archives: vlogs

One Minute Vlog – #Unboxing Funko Pop Falcon

Marvel Falcon Unboxed
Photo-A-Day #4169

While taking a look at some of the conversations over at the YouTube Creator Community I got some inspiration. I learned about a vlogger who was doing a one-minute vlog every day. I am not sure if I can go and record a one-minute vlog on a daily basis but one the weekends when I have limited time it works great. Unboxings work well for the one-minute type videos. My toughest part of all this is actually keeping the videos to a minute.

I picked up Falcon at Barnes & Noble when I used my gift card last week. I was saving it for a day when I didn’t have much else going on. It was perfect for the minute long video.

Andrew’s First Day of School 2016

Andrew - First Day of School
Photo-A-Day #4165

Today was Andrew’s first day of school. He started his year of half day classes all week long. This gives me time to hit the gym all week long. The real test, however will be next Monday when I end up coming home from work and going right to drop Andrew off at school. I’m going to figure out how I’ll get sleep on Mondays. It will be interesting.

Andrew’s first day was a great one. He had a good time and made some new friends, he can’t remember the names of any of the kids except for a couple. That is to be expected from a four-year-old. He’s too busy being a kid to notice exactly who he’s playing with. Soon enough he’ll be asking me to go on playdates with some of the other kids in his class. He does like getting together and having fun with the other kids. Here is our conversation on the way to and from school today.

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