Tag Archives: Website

Website: Flickr, I’ve gone Pro

I upgraded my Flickr account yesterday to the Pro version. I also joined two groups. I joined Macro Mondays and a Photo-A-Day group. I was accepted to the Macro Monday’s group but am waiting to hear on the Photo-A-Day one. I find that more and more my passion is for photography and I need to spend more time looking at how good photographers take their photos. I also should spend much more time on Flickr.

I signed up for the two year pro package and am looking forward to all that will entail. There should be some cool things for me to see and to participate in. I may get some photowalking sets up on my Flickr account. I would love to have some great sets like Thomas Hawk. That guy is amazing.

Website: Bl.ast – free visual directory & advertising network

I learned about bla.st today. The website is a visual directory and advertising network. It was very easy for me to sign up and create my bla.st card. I made a bla.st for this blog and you can see it on my sidebar. I am interested in finding other blogs that fit the categories of outdoors and technology. If your blog fits that category then you can click on the bla.st advertise here link and you can advertise on The Wired Kayker.

But you can also just create your own bla.st card and put the bla.st widget on your own blog or website and begin to generate traffic and advertising on your own. You can even earn referral fees from users who sign up through your bla.st widget.

the bla.st cards are fun to make and cool to visually search. You get a very good idea of what a product or blog is all about before you click. Sign up today and get your blog or website listed at bla.st.