Tag Archives: Whoville

A Who from Whoville

Photo-A-Day #3870

A Whovillian

Took Andrew for a haircut this morning. He behaved pretty well for Miss Amanda. I brought along the iPad and he watched Care Bear Cousins on mute but it kept his attention enough not to fidget. Every time he gets his hair cut he asks Amanda to put his hair up in a Mohawk or a shark fin. For some reason he also sucked in his cheeks and looked like a Who from Whoville.

We had to run over to Walmart for a Collective Bias shop that I’ll be talking about on Monday. Then we took the ingredients that we bought and we made some fun cupcakes. I ended up taking them in to work for the team to enjoy during our team building session. We had an ice cream sundae bar. It was crazy with the amount of ice cream and toppings that people brought.