Torunn Sitting Pretty

Torunn Sitting Pretty
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00735

Torunn has found a new spot to sit. We moved a new couch and chair into the house recently and she claimed the chair. Well, she claimed the chair, I claimed the chair, and so did Eva. And yes, there have been times when we have all tried to claim it at once. Eva gats all feisty now that she has some self defense moves so she often gets the chair. Having the new chair instead of the loveseat in this spot really makes the room bigger.

Speaking of the loveseat and old couch. Those were picked up by the city today. We’d worn those out. They didn’t owe us anything. Hopefully we will not tear through this new set of furniture as quickly. I’ve already put a ban on eating in the living room because of the kids and their “woodchipper” tendencies.