Warrior Weekend with Kathy Long at America’s Best Defense

with Kathy Long
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01020

Today was Warrior Weekend at America’s Best Defense. This was a 6-hour training session with multiple breakout sessions for everyone. I started with a session with Kathy Long who is a champion kickboxer. She gave us a great session on boxing moves and kicking moves. It was about a two-hour session. It was really informative and fun.

We went from there to a session on third-party knife defense with Sensei Nordberg and Mr. Brochu. This was very useful to get some more work on knife defense as I prepare for my black belt test. This led into the next session with Sensei Sanders and Sensei Pan from Franklin. They did a session on gun defense from odd positions like sitting and from far behind.

Our last session was ground fighting with Mr. Jimmy. Lots of breakfalls and more. This one was a tough one to end on but it was very useful.

The day was an excellent one and I had a lot of fun even though I was wiped out from last nights black belt assessment. I know I’m really gonna feel it tomorrow.