I received a special package from MEGA Bloks this past week that included five new products. Three of them were from the new MEGA Bloks Skylanders Swap Force line and two from the Skylanders Giants line. The opinions expressed by me are 100% my own.
Hot on the heels of the Series 2 Battle Portals are the Series 3 ones. These are battle portals for Skylanders Swap Force. The figures are new, the packaging is new and the battle portal itself has changed again. We’ve gone back to the dark grey on the battle portal like the series 1 portals. We’ve also retained the translucent color on the base of the portal but now the bottoms of the portals are a green translucent instead of the orange. I would have preferred that the portals follow the Swap Force colors and have light blue as the bottom color like the bottoms of the Swap Force characters themselves.
Continue reading MEGA Bloks Skylanders Swap Force Stump Smash Battle Portal