Searching for Salvation Along the Salton Sea #DrivingMatters

Sunrise in Joshua Tree
Photo-A-Day #3993

This was my third day on an adventure in Joshua Tree National Park. I have been on a Men Who Blog trip sponsored in part by Mazda. Images and evidence of this adventure can be seen with the hashtag of #DrivingMatters on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We were also sponsored by Napoleon Grills and Hormel Foods with Support from DriveShop. You can see my other adventurers over at the Mazda #DrivingMatters Exploring The Desert page.

Morning came quickly today but I slept quite well despite it being cold at night in the desert. I was very warm in my sleeping bag with my hat and socks on. I had a special pillow and also my neck pillow (for air travel) with me. I think the first night I was just a big mess because of how little I slept up to that point and then the time change. I was so out of it when I got up yesterday.

today, however I got up with purpose, to capture the sunrise. I was very pleased with all the night shots that I had taken the previous two nights that I wanted to capture a good sunrise shot. That would be the one from today’s Photo-A-Day. My vlog today is of all the places that I visited today.

Continue reading Searching for Salvation Along the Salton Sea #DrivingMatters

Work Hard, Smell Legendary #smellegendary

I have partnered with Life of Dad and Old Spice for this promotion.

I work hard and smellegendary

You Gotta #smellegendary to be this Hard Working Dad.

There are many hard working dads out there. However, you might as well call me Old Spice because I am one of the Hardest Working Dads out there. Do I work a very physical job? No. Do I work over 80 hours a week? No. So, What makes me one of the Hardest Working Dad out there. I work a legendary schedule that is not for the faint of heart. I work a full week in 36 hours in 3 12 hour overnight shifts from 7pm to 7am. This is hard as hell because I have to flip the script every single weekend. Every single Friday I am awake for 24+ straight hours. Do you know what that does to you? It makes you a hard working dad.

But my true calling start on Monday morning and runs through the whole week. I care for my son all week long. It is he and I all day long every day with a crazy schedule as well. Monday I come home and sleep for a couple hours, clean up the house, do the dishes, laundry and clean up after the cats. I flip the script back to regular human being and no longer a part-time vampire. The rest of the week Andrew and I go to school, Playgroup, hikes and we dominate at the zoo and playground. Andrew goes with me everywhere and I must be a legendary example for him

smellegendary Dad Votes

I may or may not have the time to take a shower every day of the week. Some weeks I miss an entire day of the week. I wake up on Monday and think it is Tuesday. So with such shower amnesia I need to protect the folks around me from me smelling funky. I need to Smell Legendary and that is where the Old Spice #smellegendary campaign comes in. I am proud to be chosen to receive an amazing “Hardest Working Collection” of Old Spice Products in the best kit I’ve ever seen. Check out what I received. I am going to be doing another post in May to give away one of these sets.

Epic Old Spice Kit

The “Old Spice Hardest Working Dad” included

  • Odor Blocker anti-perspirants
  • Sweat Defense anti-perspirants
  • Dirt Destroyer Body Wash
  • FREE entry into a 2016 Tough Mudder event to challenge the performance of the Hardest Working Collection
  • An Old Spice t-shirt fitting for Legendary Dads
  • A gift from Tough Mudder partner Merrell to keep more than your armpits dry
  • An autographed photo from the product king himself, Bob Giovanni (as seen on Old Spice’s popular digital infomercials)
  • Recognition of your Legendary Dad status with a customizable trophy, as commemorated by Old Spice

The Hardest Working Collection delivers unparalleled performance for guys that demand more from their grooming products – antiperspirants that protect them from odor and sweat, and body washes that clean and don’t dry their skin. Continue reading Work Hard, Smell Legendary #smellegendary