Assembling a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo Sprukits

Assembling a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo Sprukits
Photo-A-Day #4002

A super quick post today. I made this video below of my assembling one of the Teenaage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sprukits that I got for myself at Toys R Us a few weeks ago. I wanted to start building one of them so I built Leonardo. I choose Leo because I received a new toy to review at a later date, I received a new T-Blasts Quad Blaster that was Leonardo themed.

I sort of cleaned off my desk a little and was able to pick up some of my Ninja Turtles stuff and put it all together for a backdrop for the video below.

New from Disney’s The Jungle Book an Intro to Shere Khan clip

Disney's The Jungle Book

I had the opportunity to go out to California for the red carpet premiere of Disney’s The Jungle Book. Sadly I wasn’t able to make it so I had to turn it down. The original animated movie, The Jungle Book is one of my all time favorite movies. I was excited to have the opportunity to interview the director Jon Favreau but it wasn’t in the cards. So I’ll be seeing the movie when everyone else does unless I get invited to a sneak preview in Boston. It is tough not having the vacation time for fun things that come up.

I did get access to a clip that introduces Shere Khan that I want to share with you and then below that are some amazing portraits of the actors with their animal counterparts. But first the video.

“Intro to Shere Khan” clip

Also make sure to check out the brand new immersive site for Disney’s THE JUNGLE BOOK that launched today. Created exclusively by Disney on Tumblr, you can explore chapters like “Words to Live By: The bare necessities for a man cub to survive” and “In the Face of Danger: Learn about the Red Flower and Shere Khan.” New chapters will be revealed over the next two weeks featuring exclusive content from the film.

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