Captain America Civil War 5-Pack of Hot Wheels Vehicles

Iron Man Hot Wheels Car
Photo-A-Day #4007

I stopped over at Target today and I was very excited about a couple things that I found. First I found the new Captain America Civil War 5-Pack of Hot Wheels cars. The new individual cars were not out but this 5-pack is great with an exclusive Battle Damaged War Machine car inside. The rest of the cars except for Iron Man have been recolored. Iron Man has been redesigned. It makes sense because Tony Stark is always creating and recreating himself and his armor. The character vehicles in the set are Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Iron Man and Battle Damaged War Machine.

I also found an amazing find. Hot Wheels has re-released some classic cars and playsets. The re-released the classic STo & Go playset. I actually got giddy when I saw it because this was something that I had as a kid and I loved it. The classic was from 1979 and it was awesome. I cannot wait to open this one. I just ran out of time today so I wasn’t able to open it for the vlog. I do mention it in today’s vlog, though.