Advent Dice Calendar

Advent Dice Calendar
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01800

I had seen an advertizement on facebook for an advent dice calendar and thought that it would be a great advent calendar for Eva. so I bought one and well, it arrived 8 days into December. Not great but not terrible either. Looks like Eva has gone and opened a few of the windows already. I also picked one up for her friend Steven. Steven is the dungeon master for Eva’s weekly Dungeons and Dragons game. Although they have not played in months.

also picked up a LEGO friends advent calendar for Andy because Andy said that they wanted an Advent calendar this year. Getting one 8 days into December means slim pickins. It is much better than the one I got them 2 years ago from 5 Below. That was simply garbage. At least with the LEGO friends one Andy gets some cute LEGO animals for their collection.