Andy’s Rock Climbing Birthday Party

Andys Party
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01419

Today we celebrated Andy’s birthday at Rock Spot Climbing in Lincoln, RI. He had 6 of his friends plus Eva and his cousins Dylan and Kylie. All the kids did a great job climbing and Andy got to show off his skills. He looks so comfortable climbing around. He also does this super cool way of coming back down on the auto belay system. Just kicking off and practically floating to the ground. So effortless.

Kylie Climbing

Kylie took to climbing really quickly. She ventured the highest out of she Eva and Dylan. Although she did not climb highest on this particular track. She was one of the first kids to step up and try climbing at the party.

Dylan climbing

Dylan took a little more time to warm up to the climb. He did a great job but seemed more hesitant about going high on each climb.

Eva climbing

Eva discoverd that heights aren’t really her thing. She got more comfortable toward the end of the session. She said that each time she was to come back down she felt like the auto belay was not gonna catch for like a second or so and that did not serve to calm her nerves at all. She eventually got comfortable with the whole thing and was climbing really well.


After about an hour of climbing using the auto belay system the kids had the opportunity to try bouldering. Andy had a goal of topping out 10 times and he ended up doing it 11 times. He’s going to sleep well tonight.

Dylan hanging around

the kids also got to try the tracks where the instructors would belay them. Doing this they got a chance to just hang out in the air when they got tired.

Climbing on belay

Andy got to show off more of his skills when he did the tracks where the instructor was belaying the kids. He climbed all over everything and did so well. He and his friend Bella raced up a track at one time to see who was faster. Bella is also a climber so she had some really good skills of her own.

Andys Cake

Allison did a really nice job on Andy’s cake. He wanted a rock with lots of rock climbing holds all over it and he wanted the cake’s name to be Dwayne. That was for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Everyone got a kick out of it.

at ABD turkey basket assembly

This morning was the America’s Best Defense Thanksgiving turkey basket assembly. Andy helped out with this as well. We went through the line and made 3 baskets each. There were many people there helping. It is one of my favorite events at the school.