This post has been sponsored by the gift card division of Sears through my IZEA Insiders relationship with IZEA. While they supplied the $100 gift card I supplied my time and personal opinions and choices while participating in the ‘Don’t Just Give a Gift, Grant a Wish‘ campaign.
On Thursday I received I received a $100 Sears gift card and the instructions to go to Sears and use that gift card. You might be thinking, “Wow Drew certainly could get some great stuff for himself with $100 gift card from Sears” and you would be right. However, the purpose of my trip to Sears was not to buy something for myself or even to buy gifts for my family. Although, Eva did end up with her own My First Craftsman Rough and Tough Toolbox, but more about that later. My mission was to grant wishes.
So, on Saturday Allison, Eva and I went to Sears not to buy gifts for people but to grant wishes. Sears has a great promotion happening right now titled ‘Don’t Just Give a Gift, Grant a Wish’ and there are many famous celebrities who are part of the promotion. Each one tells their own Wishtory. The one I liked very much was by Ty Pennington.
The spirit of this promotion is that gifts aren’t just gifts they can make a huge impact on people’s lives. I remember that when I was a kid the best part of Christmas anticipation was flipping through the Sears Catalog, the Wishbook. I would read the toys and electronics sections over and over but my main focus was on the Transformers. This was the book I would go through to tell my parents and grandparents which Transformers toys I wanted for Christmas. And, each Christmas for years I was lucky enough to get a ton of those toys. I was a very lucky kid.
Those toys sparked my imagination and my love for technology. I remember cataloging all of my Transformers in a database on my old Apple computer. I could tell you all of the stats for each character and could transform them all so quickly. I’d set up large battles between the Autobots and Decepticons in my bedroom over and over. Those toys made a huge impact on me even to this day (as you might have seen a photo of one or two… dozen Transformers on this blog)
When charged with this task of ‘Don’t Just Give a Gift, Grant a Wish’ for someone by using my $100 gift card from Sears I knew exactly what I wanted to do. In my town there is a program called Christmas is for Kids and they collect toys for children in the local area. On Christmas, what kid doesn’t wish for a great toy that will spark their imagination?
Allison, Eva and I marched into Sears, we asked a sales associate for directions to the toys department and went to work. We picked out toys that would encourage imagination and learning. The first thing I found was a My First Kenmore kitchen set. It had pots and pans and kitchen utensils. We picked up two of those because I figure that one of these kids will get that set and maybe it will spark a dream to become an amazing chef.
We also picked up the My First Craftsman Rough and Tough Toolbox. Actually Eva picked this up and she wouldn’t let it go. I think that:
a.) she loves things with handles so she can pick them up and walk with them
b.) she sees her Grandfather building things and wants to be a little like him
So, while we did spend the bulk of the $100 Sears gift card on Christmas is for Kids we ended up getting Eva a My First Craftsman Rough and Tough Toolbox with the gift card money as well.
A toy that I was really looking for however was a Transformer and I was happy to see that Sears carried many major toy brands including Transformers. I picked out Snarl and Soundwave from the Transformers Animated line. (See Photo Above) These characters are homages to the Generation 1 characters from my childhood. I hope that they give the child who receives them many hours of imaginative gameplay. I also picked up my other favorite toy LEGO. LEGO is sure to keep a child’s imagination running.
I am grateful to Sears for this $100 Sears gift card. A few things were sparked in my mind by doing this. First, I want to be able to do this every year with Eva and Allison, on our own. I am planning to put away $10 a month for the next year to have $120 so we can get a haul of toys for Christmas is for Kids next year as well. It think this is an important lesson of giving that we can pass along to Eva.
The second thing was that while we were walking through the store and looking at all the merchandise we saw a couple of wooden boxes with old books in them. These books were being sold to raise money for the Heroes at Home program. This program was set up to help give military families what they need. You can even donate to this program online. I asked a sales associate about the box and if they took donations. He said that the donations came from employees. I asked further, “That is great but can I donate?” He said that I could so I will be pulling together a big big box of our old books to donate to help this program.
Sears has always been a store that I could trust. I’ve purchased TVs, computers, printers, clothes, car batteries and many other things from Sears. I was happy to be asked to be part of this promotion especially with a company that gives back like Sears does. And having the Sears gift card is a great gift idea because you can use it to purchase any item of your choice. We had complete freedom to buy whatever we wanted with that $100.
So on Monday I dropped off two large bags of toys to Achin’s Garage in North Attleboro. Achin’s had a toy drive for Christmas is for Kids about a week ago that I went to. I was inspired by their dedication to this program and wanted to further their efforts as well. Being a part of the ‘Don’t Just Give a Gift, Grant a Wish’ program was an excellent opportunity and experience.
I have a bunch more photos in the BenSpark Grants A Wish Flickr Set to share with you.
And now I want to pass that experience on to you.
I am giving away a $100 Sears Gift card for you to use. You can use it to Grant a Wish for yourself or someone else.
How to Enter
Readers can enter via blog comment, tweet or blog post.
Blog Comment:
Readers can leave a comment on this blog post with the Sears Item numbers they would buy with their card (up to $100). You can go to to research your item #s.
Twitter Tweet:
Each reader can simply tweet out the following message:
“RT @benspark please grant my wish to win a $100 #Sears gift card – tweet to make your own wishâ€
Blog Post:
A blogger can enter by writing a post about the contest and linking back to this post. Please use this link and say BenSpark Grants a Wish somewhere in the post, possibly the anchor text for the link. Then be sure they leave a comment on this post with the URL to you post.
Each tweet, comment or post counts as one registration. A person can register up to three times by tweeting, leaving a comment and doing a post on their own blog. The winner will be chosen at random by IZEA based on all entries. The contests are separate, each blogger participating in this promotion will have their own package to give away.
The Contest begins at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (“ESTâ€) on December 15, 2008 and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on December 23, 2008 (the “Contest Periodâ€). Entries will not be acknowledged.
Please see the official rules for more details.
Want more chances to win. Check out these other fantastic bloggers and their adventures at Sears.
$500 Gift Cards!
- Ted Murphy
- Liz Strauss
- Joseph Jaffe
- Chris Pirillo
- Jim Kukral
- Steve Spalding
- Tamar Weinburg
- Aaron Brazell
- Chris Heuer
$100 Gift Cards from Izea Insiders!
Aww I have a special spot for Sears. When I was younger, that was the store we went to when we had a bit of extra money to buy clothes and such, or my stepdad needed tools or something.
It’s been awhile since I went into a Sears, so I’m not sure what I’d shop for. It would be after the holidays, so I think we’d probably end up shopping for clothes, Ethan and Noah could use some new uniform pants for school, and I know I wouldn’t mind a few new nice shirts to wear for a change instead of my ratty old concert t-shirts with holes in them.
Lorettas last blog post..The Color of Hope
Sears item# 00897754000 Mfr. model# JFPJ-B – could use it for health- husband is on a diet and we need to rethink how and what we eat
*sniff* as I’m not a U.S. resident, I’ll have sit by the sidelines and watch
Owens last blog post..Do you “get†Social Media Marketing?
item# 00625285000
that would be so much fun to have for parties and when we have people over.
i tweeted (cadifi)
I coulnd’t find the sku# for some so I left the link instead.
The above URL is for a Long Sleeve South Pole Thermal Mens Shirt/Medium
$18.99 (For my husband)
The above URL is for a pair of Levi’s 517 Boot Cut Jean-Rinsed 34×34
$31.99 (For my husband)
The above URL is for a NordicTrack Solid Dobby Active Jacket. Size Large in Lead Pencil.
$39.99 (For my husband)
Sears item# 05288054000 Mfr. model# 351186D
Sweet Secrets: Ballerina Compact With Doll
$8.99 (For my 2 Year old)
Total comes to $99.96! How fun! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!
crackerjacks51603 at yahoo dot com
I love that you looked for toys that would spark the imagination! Who knows – maybe Eva will become a great carpenter, or the next Ty Pennington and have job that lets her change people’s lives.
Twitter Tweet!
I’ll be back after I visit
Annas last blog post..Movies at Home
here’s my post:
Very nice giveaway, congrats to be a part of it!
I am a Craftsman guy, so I would buy a tool kit for $99.99: 00935154000
Peters last blog post..Peter Please Answer My Question
I would put it toward and Xbox 360 bundle. Sears item# 05891057000
I would definitely buy some Lands End clothing but they only had a limited selection on the site.
I would buy the American Tourister 7 pc Set, Sears item# 01455034000 and give it as a gift when we crown Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts 2009 so she can take it to the Ms Wheelchair America Pageant in South Dakota this summer.
I love Eva’s toolbox, that is so cute!
Julies last blog post..Sears – Don’t Just Give a Gift, Grant a Wish
Here’s something our family has been wishing for that I’d love to buy with the gift card:
Wii Fit & Wii Balance Board
Sears item# 05892358000 Mfr. model# WII RVL R RFNE – $89.99
Annas last blog post..Movies at Home
Wow what an amazing thing you did! It brought tears to my eyes, you are very generous. I can’t say that I would be as generous because its been a very tight year for us but I think I would let my daughter use it and buy $50 dollars worth of gifts for family and $50 for needy children. I think its a huge lesson since she has been pretty fortunate most of her life. Thank you
I’m thinking I would put it toward some new clothes. Moms are notorious for buying clothes for their children and not themselves. One item that caught my eye was the Apostrophe Pointelle Swing Sweater in black(Sears item # 00751490007.) I also really like the Apostrophe Shawl Collar Cat Coat(Sears item # 00751490007). Very pretty!
Brandices last blog post..I entered them all.
I blogged about this contest, too.
Annas last blog post..New Cell Phones for the Kids?
Here’s my blog post.
So, I’d guess that the best item to get as a gift for someone in need would be a great all-inclusive tool set.
Here’s what I suggest. (item# 00935154000)
Trevor Carpenters last blog post..What to give those who need?
Good thing. Good thought. Great idea for the kids.
Thanks for sharing!
We haven’t had a bed for our 4 years of marriage, just a mattress and recently a foundation (yay! We are moving up!) so I would definitely buy this bed frame: #08216902000 actually even if I don’t win the card I’m still buying the bed frame from Sears because their price is lower than any other place I have looked at for queen sized bed frames. I would buy this gift for my husband since I only spent $1 on his Christmas gift (don’t tell him that!)
That is really nice to do. And great gift choices! I remember when I was younger I was always happy whenever I got something that wasn’t clothes. A toy was especially good for me.
I would get a watch
Caravelle Ladies Caravelle Gold Tone Dress Watch
Sears item# 04448916000 Mfr. model# 44M01
and with the money leftover get some school pants with elastic waist for my daughter who cannot do snaps for the life of me.
Thanks Sears (and Ben) for such a great idea this holiday season! My favorite Christmas present ever was a bike and I think that’s true for lots of kids, so I’d use the gift card to buy 1 boy bike and 1 girl bike for the 2008 Bike Drive for the Forgotten Children’s Fund
Huffy 20 in. Girls Dream Journey Single Speed Bike. Purple Sears item #00607578000 $49.99
Huffy 16 in. Boys Uproar Single Speed Bike. Black with green Sears item #00607575000 $49.99
I would use it towards Sony 7.2MP Digital Camera (Sears item # 00338416000). I want a new camera!
And I must say that little girl is SUPER CUTE!!!!!!
really need a good digital camera so would use toward a new one – Sears item #00353118000
I would buy the following items with my $100 Sears gift card:
US Polo Assn. Mens Claendar Day/Date Watch with Black Sunray Dail & Link Band – Reg Price: $29.99 – Sale $23.99 – Sears item#04410815000 Mfr. model#US8072
Covington Rugby Stripe Reversible Hat w/Snowflake Prints – (Navy) Reg Price: $18.00 – Sale $9.00 – Sears item#03318569096 Mfr. model#M0415
Covington Plaid Muffler – (Navy) Reg price: $16.00 – Sale $7.99 – Sears item#08899617199 Mfr. model#J3068
Zak Designs 9.25 in Large Colander, Orange – Reg price: $10.99 – Sale $8.79 – Sears item#00823900000 Mfr. model#0550-9981
Pfaltzgraff Rio 3 pc Sealed Canister Set – Reg price: $49.99 – Sears item#02475689000 Mfr. model#57033000
with .24 cent left over!
05895762000 (Spanish game for Nintendo DS) that would be my first thing….my daughter is getting a Nintedo DS for Christmas and only one game. Other than that, it would be up to my family to decide. Perhaps to share with others in our community
I would get the 9.2 mp digital camera in pink item # 00353288000. This would be for my lovely granddaughter. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
would love to use for the shelter i volunteer to. thanks for the opp:
Halex Alpha Electronic Dartboard
Sears item# 00612260000 Mfr. model# 64302
Fisher-Price Fisher-Price – Imaginext Adventures Pirate Ship
Sears item# 05236653000 Mfr. model# 291157
Mattel Barbie Dream Stable Playset with Doll
Sears item# 05212877000 Mfr. model# 376151
happy holidays
Bond 007:Quantum Of Solace Collectors Edition for the X-box 360
Sears item# 05891483000
I would get this for my nephew. I found out he is getting an X-box 360 for Christmas. I would use the remainder to get the Messenger Kit for Xbox 360
Sears item# 05891835000
My cousin is getting him a one year subscription to x-box 360 gold so the the messenger kit would be awesome
lennys last blog post..BACON, BACON, BACON
I searched Sears and decided I would buy this item
Kenmore Sewing Machine w/43 Stitch Functions, Built-in Needle Threader
Sears item# 02015343000 Mfr. model# 15343
It was be for me,but I could help the family by sewing ,and hemming and stuff.We could save money this way and not run out and buy things just because they have a rip. Thanks !
I’d get this for my mother:
Kodak 8.2MP Digital Camera, EasyShare M863 – Red
Sears item# 00353269000 Mfr. model# M863
I would buy my terrific husband of 17 years the
Craftsman 154 pc. Mechanics Tool Set
Sears item # 00935154000
Mfr. model # 35154
Qty. 1
He always says you can’t have too many tools!
I would grant a wish if I win, I’d use some for the local Christmas Toy Drive for my church and the rest to get my mom a pair of boots she wants from Sears (, she has a bad back and needs a pair of boots that are reliable because she really can’t afford to slip on the ice when she is out in the snow.
I loved looking at the photos and reading about your generosity. These are the items I’d get if I won:
I think I’d go with the camera too! 00353269000
I would grant part to a local shelter that does great work for displaced families. my mom would love the 12 speed mixer item # 00866450000
i love to bake and i love cakes so i want item#00866450000.
I would get my Husband the 154pc. tool set on sale for 99.99 Sears item# 00937154000 This would be so great to win. Thanks
the x-box for my nephew
item# 05891057000
Thank you for the opportunity. I would get something for my overworked, underpaid husband with the gift card.
Craftsman Mini Circular Saw
Sears item# 00910872000 Mfr. model# 10872
The White Kenmore 1.2 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave $99.00
Sears item# 02063252000 Mfr. model# 63252 is what I’d choose. My son is getting his very first condo next month! Great giveaway, and Eva is adorable. She looks like a little doll!
My husband desperately has asked for the same thing year after year, with $100 towards it, I could get the bubble hockey game he wants!
item# 00686213000
I would buy the Weider Weight System for my husband. Item # 00614623000 Model # Pro 4950
thank you
# 01712995091 coat
I keep foster children an they usually end up with the short end of the stick at christmas time,the ones we have get gifts but a lot of the others dont,so we would go shopping for the ones that dont get anything,the state doesnt provide this,heres our list:My First Craftsman 71-Piece Toy Tool Set
Sears item #05211171000
Mfr. model #773281
User Rating: 2 ratings
Disney Disney Sleeping Beauty Magic Lights
Sears item #05213018000
Mfr. model #M8401
Mattel Cars Screamin’ Banshee Vehicle Playset
Sears item #05201144000
Mfr. model #M2281
I would put it towards item# 04639922000.
THanx for the contest.
I’d get the 4-Drawer Ball-Bearing Roll-Away, 26-1/2 in. Wide – Red/Black Sears item# 00962021000 for $189.99
I would buy the Cuisinart 12 in. Non-Stick Skillet
Sears item# 00855596000 Mfr. model# MCP22-30HNS $79
I would choose item# 04428472000. Thanks for the generous contest! Happy Holidays!
Thank you so much for this great giveaway. If I won, I would really love the Hoover Upright Vacuum
Sears item# 02038816000 Mfr. model# U5512900. Thanks so much and Happy Holidays!
What a wonderful opportunity! Your pictures are awesome:)
Mos last blog post..Sunshine…lollipops…and a Big Box of Awesome!
I have always enjoyed going to Sears. I like that they finally brought back toys. They didn’t have them in the store for a while but now they are coming back.
With a $100.00 Sears gift card I would buy bath towels. Just once I would love to own big, fluffy, absorbant pretty bath towels.
TKS Katie – Black
Sears item # 03662260558
Girl Code Rhinestone Bubble Dress
Sears item # 07717649032
Open Star Drop Earring with Diamond Accent. Sterling Silver
Sears item # 04463348000
I have often bought clothes at Sears, they have a good selection for rugged boys who wear out their clothes fast. Drop some Sku numbers in a comment to be added to the contest.
Good Deal Mrs. Mommy, thanks for entering the contest.
I promise I have a contest next month that you can participate in. The company will ship internationally.
Thanks for the great contest! I would have to use it towards a workbench I would love to get for my husband. Item 0095943300000
Thanks for entering the contest. And welcome to my blog.
That is fine, no problem, thanks very much for entering the contest. Welcome to my blog.
She will have a very good teacher in my father. He would love to have another one of his girls learn his carpentry skills.
Good choice, Craftsman is the way to go.
If you win someone is going to be very lucky. Thanks for entering the contest.
To be part of the contest please enter the SKU numbers for those items, even if they are limited in selection. Then you will have a proper entry into the contest.
it was easy, I love sears!
Sears item# 00353288000 Mfr. model# C913 / 1509736
Jens last blog post..Win Number 23
Excellent choices and for a great cause as well. What a nice prize for the next Miss Wheelchair MA!
Thanks very much Julie, she has a nice time with it. Allison said that she tried to put the bolts in her hair last night.
Hi Sue,
I’m glad that you liked our story. It has certainly been a tough year for so many. We have been fortunate and lucky, I’d say mostly lucky with out situation.
I want to make sure you get a proper entry into the contest so please enter a SKU number of some Sears product to be properly counted in the contest. Thanks.
Hi Brandice.
Trying your luck at another of my contests, awesome! I am happy to see you participating and glad you like the last prize you won. Thanks for continuing to read
Thanks for entering the contest as well as the blog post about it. I appreciate that.
Thanks Charles. Please enter a SKU # for products at Sears to be entered into the contest. I appreciate the comment but want to make sure that you get counted in the contest as well.
That is definitely a worthy gift for the both of you. Thanks for entering the contest.
Thanks Eric,
Are you going to enter the contest? Please leave some SKU numbers for products adding up to $100 in a comment so you can be counted in the contest.
Thanks for entering the contest, those sound like great gifts. My daughter is not ready to dress herself quite yet. Eventually I will face your same dilemma.
The earrings would add some sparkle. # 04463348000
A bike is a great gift for a kid. Excellent choice! Thanks for entering the contest.
Thanks for entering the contest.
A digital camera is a must have, it captures life’s moments so well. I’ve taken a photo or two.
Thanks very much, we think she is super cute too. She had so much fun. It was a great experience for all of us. Thanks for entering the contest.
Sauder Footboard Bench – Soft White
Sears item# 00892746000 is what I would use the card for.
Stephanie V,
A good digital camera is important. Good luck with the contest.
I would get 2 of these (in different colors, of course!)
Cable knit sweater # 01914073030
Well Done! And came in under the wire. Excellent. Thanks for entering the contest.
Okay obviosly I don’t read rules so heres what we’d get.
A sweater for Grandpa Structure Cotton Fine Gauge V-Neck Argyle Sweater
Sears item # 04142172098 Mfr.model # M0166
A decent jacket for Grandma Bold Spirit 3/4 With Rouching At Neck Jacket With Pick Stitch
Sears item # 01712815066 Mfr.model # A7912
Fit: Womens Color: Coffee Bean Size: Large
And like I said before the rest would go to needy kids, I always worry about the older kids not getting anythin so maybe a couple MP3 players like these
Coby Electronics 1GB Micro Clip MP3 Player – Blue
Sears item #05797679000
Mfr. model #MP550-1GBLU
There thats what we’d do if we won.
I had no idea there were Spanish games on the DS. That is excellent! Good choice.
How old is she because there is a great intro to photography book for kids. I forget the name but it is great to start kids looking at the world through a lens as early as possible. Thanks for entering the contest.
Great choices for a great cause. Good luck in the contest.
That is great, thinking of your nephew. Good job and thanks for entering the contest.
That is a very practical gift. Excellent choice. Thanks so much for entering the contest.
A nice choice for your mom. Thanks for entering the contest.
Sears item # 01713084067 Mfr.model # A8009
sure could use this
I bet he could really use those to work on some great projects. Thanks for entering the contest.
Such thoughtful gifts. Good luck in the contest.
It was easy to be generous with someone else’s money. What we have to work on is being generous with our own money but I have a plan for that. Thanks for entering the contest.
Cameras are great especially for the holidays. Thanks for entering the contest.
A nice mix of items, no pun intended. Thanks for entering the contest.
I like baking cakes as well, haven’t made one in a while but would like to, nice choice. Thanks for entering the contest.
Tools are always a good choice for the men in your life. Even if they are not mechanically inclined a nice shiny set of tools is a must have. Thanks for entering the contest.
The Carhartt parka, Sears #041A0100000 would be perfect, because it’s zero degrees here right now and I need a warm coat.
Very nice choice. Thanks for entering the contest.
A nice choice for your husband. Thanks for entering the contest.
Thanks so much for the nice words about Eva. She had so much fun at Sears. And thanks for entering the contest.
Our old VCR isn’t working very well. The Magnavox DVD Player & 4-Head Hi-Fi VCR Combo
Sears item# 05757168000 Mfr. model# DV225MG9 looks just like what I need.
Thanks for entering the contest. I think you posted a comment that was supposed to be on the $500 contests, I deleted that one and kept the one for the $100 contest so you are entered. Thanks.
Nice choice for your husband. Thanks for entering the contest.
A coat is very important this time of year. Thanks for entering the contest.
It is so great that you open your heart and home to foster kids. Thanks for entering this contest.
You are welcome and thank you for entering the contest.
Very nice. Thanks for entering the contest.
So cooking is your thing, very cool. thanks for entering this contest.
I would have to get one of these for some lucky older kid’s wish. It is hard on the older kids and there is rarely something for them. So this would be on my list for some needy older child in our area.http:Sears item# 05213231000 Mfr. model# 87628
Babas last blog post..Win $100 Gift Certificate to Aspen Gold Ridge
Here is my Post.
Babas last blog post..Win $100 Gift Certificate to Aspen Gold Ridge
Babas last blog post..Win $100 Gift Certificate to Aspen Gold Ridge
I would purchase 2 boxes of FreshLook Colorblends Contac Lenses(6 lenses) @ $48.24 per box.
Nice choice of vacuum. Thanks for entering the contest.
Bread Maker: Sears item# 00820639000
I would choose a Hewlett Packard printer:
Sears item #00398970000
I tweeted. My username is sonyasparks.
Paula Deen 8 Qt. Covered Stockpot
Sears item #00896961000
Mfr. model #71928 $59.99
Kenmore 7 qt. Slow Cooker
Reg Price: $49.99 Savings: $14.00 You Pay: $35.99
You’re very generous and I truely NEED something that’s not falling apart to cook in.
We need two throws for our living room, since we are keeping the thermostat set low this year to save money & energy. Sears # 09674760000 in Camel would be great.
I would us it for this:
* Sears item #05792477000
* Mfr. model #JBLONSTMBLKP
Thanks for the giveaway.
I would probably get the Wii Fit Sears item# 05892358000
It’s something my whole family would enjoy together.
Thanks for the opportunity,
This is on my wishlist in a King size
RestMate Featherbed w/Cover. This would be wonderful to sleep on. There was no sears item # for this.
Thank you!
Oh My Aching Back – I would apply it to the purchase of a snow thrower. Sears item# 07188705000
My printer died, so I think I would choose Sears item #00372108000. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would go for some things for my coming great grandchild–the Crane Cool Mist Humidifier #03279125000 model #EE0865, the Safety 1st Forehead Thermometer #04922578000 model #49540 and the Flat Screen TV Lock #04901193000 model #48469. The last would be for my house, since those things are HEAVY and too many small children have been badly hurt or killed by them tipping already!
I’d probably get item #00353118000. I need a new camera!
If I were lucky enough to win I’d put it towards a Craftsman Professional 20 volt Lithium-Ion 3-Tool Combo Kit with Contractor Utility Bag
Sears item# 00926325000 Mfr. model# 26325 $199.99 (great price) for my hubby. Thank you!
Yes, I would have to say that my wish to be granted this Christmas is a garage where my car will actually fit! So, with a $100 gift card, I would get a couple of these: Craftsman HighAWAY® Garage Ceiling Storage Sears item# 00987766000!
Sears item# 05757168000 Mfr. model# DV225MG9 The Magnavox DVD Player & 4-Head Hi-Fi VCR Combo, our family is all sharing one. it suck taking it from room to room. this would be great to win
Ben you are kind and generous…I would want to donate this towards the Heroes registry at Sears if I won this. There is no model number, but if I won, I would ask that you do that or use it for the local charity you bought toys for.
Thanks Mo,
Pop in some SKU numbers with what you want and you too can enter this contest.
I would give the card to my daughter so she can finish shopping for her son.
sounds like a very nice experience…..
I would choose item # 00353288000 – Kodak 9.2MP Digital Camera, EasyShare C913 – Pink……nice gift, I think!
DXG 6-In-1 Flash Memory Camcorder – Blue
Sears item #00398663000
Mfr. model #DXG-506VBC
on sale $94.99
I would love to win thanks.
I’d put it toward the microwave #02094127000
Big Fluffy bath towels would be very nice especially if you’ve never had them. Please put in a comment with SKU numbers so that your entry can be counted.
Those sounds like pretty items, good choices. Thanks for entering the contest.
I have been wanting this for awhile: Haier 6-Bottle Capacity Thermal Electric Wine Cellar Silver Cabinet with Silver Trim item# 1370000HVUE06BSS Mfr. model# HVUE06BSS.
Would buy my son some clothes, so he could find a job.
We love Sears! They carry great quality products and stand behind what they sell. They have outstanding Customer Service. If I were to win I would love to buy my husband the Craftsman 5-Drawer Homeowner Roll-Away, 26-1/2 in. Wide – Red Sears item# 00962215000, the price is just a tiny bit over $109.00 but that would be fine by me. Then again I might want to buy the Sharp 1.4 cu.ft. 1100W Microwave Oven w/turntable – Black Sears item #02094127000 for myself. Either one would do.
Thanks a microwave for my daughter. Item # #02094127000. Merry Christmas!
Aww…looks like the family had a great time shopping! You guys did great! If I were to win, I would pass the card along to a needy family at my Church and let them choose or I would purchase the Waring Pro Juice Extractor for my son, as he is trying to eat healthier.
Merry Christmas!
For my husband…
iHome AM/FM Clock Radio for iPod® – Black
Sears item# 05792438000 Mfr. model# IH9B
Sears item # 07602183005 mamma needs some new shoes!
I would love Sears item# 00859143000…a rolling kitchen cart–it is $299, I would pay the difference.
Thank you for the contest!
The Harvard Mercury 6ft. Hockey Table is on sale for $99.99 and my kids would have a blast with it!
Sears item# 00625285000 Mfr. model# G03625F
Sharp 1 cu.ft. 1100W Microwave Oven w/turntable – Black
Sears item# 02094120000 Mfr. model# R307NKblk is my choice
We could use a new printer
Canon Office All In One
Sears item# 00399843000 Mfr. model# MX300PIXMA
Thanks for a great giveaway
I would use the gift cards towards this:
Craftsman 10 in. Table Saw with Stand
Sears item# 00921802000 Mfr. model# 21802
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would use it towards shoes for the kids. My daughter would have these two: Rachel Sunflower – White, Pink Sears item # 03605144516 and TKS Girls Cara – Black Sears item # 03620084516. My son would get this one: Skechers Boys Police – Black/Silver Sears item # 03682460522
With the little bit left over I would get these shoes for hubby: Wonderlite Watson – Black
Sears item # 06777398668
Thanks for the chance to win this!
I love the softer side of Sears…and Izea.
Sony 19 in. (Diagonal) Class LCD Integrated HDTV (720p) – Orange
because our oven went kapoots.
Happy holidays.
I would buy Sears item #05730402000 A remote starter and keyless entry system for my car.
Rosetti Power Play Hobo
* Sears item #08812635099
I need a new bag so bad. I would use the rest of the money for things we need around the house.
thanks so much!
tweeted! kagey10
I would purchase
Sears item# 05283630000–$14.99
Sears item# 05294915000–$39.99
Sears item# 05290059000–$37.99
Thank you for the chance
I am in desperate need of a new sewing machine. I would get Kenmore Sewing Machine w/43 Stitch Functions, Built-in Needle Threader
Sears item# 02015343000 Mfr. model# 15343
Reg Price: $89.99 Savings: $13.50 You Pay: $76
I’d buy my daughter the Hoover Upright Vacuum
(Sears item# 02038816000 Mfr. model# U5512900) on sale for $99.99.
Love this giveaway. Thanks!
Tweeted you!
I would love item# 00935154000
I would get Kodak 9.2MP Digital Camera, EasyShare C913 – Pink Sears item# 00353288000 Mfr. model# C913 / 1509736. Thanks for the awesome contest!
what a great thing sears is doing.
00859787000 bookshelf $99
thanks so much
I’d buy
2 of these:
Organize It All Stackable Storage Shelf
Sears item #00891619000 Mfr. model #1707 $34.99
And one of these:
Whitney Designs Triple Storage Bin
Sears item #00899627000 Mfr. model #7119 $27.99
I would put it toward a digital photo frame for my grandfather.
Sears item #00399117000
Mfr. model #DPF080-LL
My Sears wish is a Brother XL2600i 26 Mechanical Stitch Sewing Machine
Sears item# 02094042000 Mfr. model# XL2600I
a conair straightner- Sears item #00823372000
tyte jeans- Sears item# 002A4533000
I would wish for Paula Deans red teapot Sears item #00868023000
My wish is for 2 of the LeapFrog The Tag Reading System Sears item# 05201309000 Mfr. model# 30704 for $49.99 each for both of my granddaughters! I know this would be a wish come true for them too since I know they would love to learn to read better.
I love the Cuisinart chefs classic pots and pans
My goal this year is to get fit, so if I were to win I would order the Everlast Free Standing Heavybag Kit Sears item# 00614260000 Mfr. model# 2224 $89.99
Thanks for the giveaway
Caravelle Ladies Caravelle Gold Tone Dress Watch
Sears item# 04448916000 Mfr. model# 44M01
I think I would by this Chef Pepin Juice Extractor (item #00896559000)
I’d buy Sears item #05757228000, the Venturer Portable DVD Player w/ 7 in. Diagonal LCD Widescreen Display. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would buy 1/2* Diamond Ear Studs
Sears item# 04428472000 (for $99.99).
I would pick the 360,Guitar Hero 3 Bundle
Sears item # 05891185000 for my hubby. Thanks!
I would put the card towards NordicTrack E5 elliptical. Sears item# 00623855000 Mfr. model# 23855
Tweeted and following – pinkpandaparade
Sony AM/FM Clock Radio with iPod Dock, Black
Sears item # 05792007000 Mfr.model # ICF-C1IPBLACK
For my husband’s allergies:
Kenmore HEPA Air Cleaner
* Sears item #03285244000
* Mfr. model #85244
Hubby needs Sears item# 00910872000 Craftsman Mini Circular Saw for $99.99…he’s converting our attic to a master bedroom/bath himself.
I tweeted
I’m always on the lookout for bargains on new clothes, and there are some good ones on sale at Here are the ones I’d choose: Stephanie Mathews Double Breasted Plaid Peacoat (item # 01713070066) and the Seven7 Freedom Top Long Sleeve (item # 00712888030).
Love your blog and pics! Love, even more, what you did with the Sears card! I would love to help a Single mom, of two boys from my church. They have nothing and this could really help them out! Keep up the great work!
I’d probably put it toward a Garmin NUVI 205 item# 05710023000.
I really want to get bedding for my kids but I couldn’t seem to get the item numbers, so here is what I chose instead: Sears item# 00353288000 Mfr. model# C913 / 1509736
We need an updated one anyway
well, my xmas shoppings done, so id get something for me – Everlast 70lb Nevertear Heavy Bag, Black Sears item# 00614782000
Model # 50596 BKRD
I can’t figure out the item number, but I don’t have heat in my room, so a queen sized electric warming blanket would be right up my alley!
If I won, I’d buy KitchenAid Artisanâ„¢ Series 5 Quart Stand Mixer, Onyx Black Sears item# 00847915000 Mfr. model# KSM150PSOB.
If I won this, I wouldn’t buy anything with it myself. Perhaps you saw this news story – a local charity collected $350 worth of assorted store gift cards for a Plymouth family in need. The mother had recently lost her job, and is also going through a nasty divorce…she has three kids. However, the package with the gift cards was delivered to the wrong house, and the woman who got them went ahead and spent them all. This made my blood boil, surely she knew that they were not meant for her. She should not have accepted them, she should have made sure they went to the family they were intended for. That’s what any decent human being would have done.
If I won the gift card, I would take it to the charity and ask that it be given to that family. They are looking for donations so that they can put together another package for them.
I also Tweeted the contest, will do blog post later.
Christines last blog post..Booger King in the fragrance business?
Blogged it:
Sears item #03279116000
I’d actually prefer to put it toward appliances, but this would fit within $100.
Wii Fit & Wii Balance Board
Sears item# 05892358000 Mfr. model# WII RVL R RFNE – $89.99
Tweeted, too.
If they were to go on sale again (or if the sale held over) I would buy each of my sons an electric blanket for their room (item number 096B8110000). Their room gets pretty cold and they are both in need of new bedclothes and this would be perfect for those chilly Ohio nights (they could even preheat their beds hahahahaha).
Thank you SO very much for the chance to win this! (if they weren’t on sale, i would find something that I could get for all 3 of my kidlets to share or for us to share as a family or I would contact a friend of mine whose brother is very ill and see if he could use it for some nice things for his kidlets to share!) 
Merry Christmas (a bit early
Fantacys last blog post..My submission for Portrait contest
I tweeted this also with the tweet prompt you gave
Thank you so much for what you did with the $100 you had and thank you so much for the chance to win one for my family! Merry Christmas!
Fantacys last blog post..My submission for Portrait contest
Wii Fit & Wii Balance Board
Sears item# 05892358000 Mfr. model# WII RVL R RFNE – $89.99
I would buy this rice cooker: 00880743000. My husband & I eat a lot of rice!
I would get an item I really have been wanting and needing. Conair Satin Nickel Double-sided Oval Illuminated Make-up Mirror- Item #09645034000. It would make life so much easier for me in the bathroom! Happy Holidays!
I have been wishing for a KitchenAid Artisanâ„¢ Series 5 Quart Stand Mixer, Empire Red. I do a lot of baking with my mom so this would be perfect for us to share!
Sears item# 00847807000 Mfr. model# KSM150PSER
I would get this dress for my mom – # 03111549008 – my wedding is next year (closing in!) and she has been fretting about affording a dress for it since we got engaged. I would love to treat her!
Craftsman C3 19.2 volt Drill / Driver
item #00911551000
Disney Mickey Earrings Sears item# 04463426000
Levis Perfectly Slimming Jeans Sears item # 01693355026
Covington Pleated ORing Top Sears item # 01680317049
I’d love those items for myself!
Connies last blog post..The Princess Bride Game Review
Here’s my Tweet URL=
Connies last blog post..The Princess Bride Game Review
I would buy my husband the Craftsman tool kit for $99.99: #00935154000
I’d get Bright Crystal 3 Oz Eau De Toilette Spray For Women Sears item# 07464628000 for my sister
Kodak 9.2MP Digital Camera, EasyShare C913 – Pink
Sears item# 00353288000 Mfr. model# C913 / 1509736
It’s pink! It’s digital! It’s 99.99!
Black Kenmore 1.2 cu. ft. Countertop Microwave
Sears item# 02063259000 Mfr. model# 63259
$99.99 sale!
I would use my Sears gift card to buy the Journey Diamond Star Pendant. 10K Yellow Gold
Sears item# 04421719000
I would get this stroller – InStep Run Around Sears item# 04910635000 Mfr. model# 11-KS108. Thanks!
Here’s my blog post:
Connies last blog post..Sears Grants a Wish
I had fun “shopping”! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! Here’s my list Santa
Sears item# 00818301000 toaster of my dreams
Sears item# 09650165000 2 pillows please
I would buy the Sunbeam 12 speed mixer Sears item # 00866450000 for my mother in law, hers just died, and I would buy me a new pair of slippers Dearfoams suede slippers Sears item # 07511235004
This would replace a digital photo viewer that I gave someone last year that never worked.
Mustek 7 Inch Multifunction Digital Photo Viewer
Sears item #00399089000
Mfr. model #PF-A722BM
# 04475593000 – THose are pretty earrings.
I think I would get…
Sears item# 00880756000
Sears item# 00821482000
Sears item# 00849499000
Thanks for the giveaway!
If I won I’d buy the Blue and White Topaz Drop Earrings. 14K Yellow Gold and Sterling Silver, Item #04471483000 They’re beautiful!
I’d really like to get the wii fit so I can get in shape! Sears item #05892358000
Casey Hs last blog post..Only a few days left!!
I’d use it for this: Sears item #00353469000
Having all boys in the household sucks for gift giving this house!
Thanks for a great giveaway.
I would get Sears item# 00896996000:
T-Fal D050SB72 Premier Hard Enamel 11 Pc. Set $99.99
Thank you.
I’d put it towards Rock Band 2
# Sears item #05891429000
My son wants this so badly but the $190 price tag is just out of my reach.
if I won I could come up with the rest.
valmgs last blog post..I spent my mental health day in the hospital
I tweeted you at
valmgs last blog post..I spent my mental health day in the hospital
I blogged you on AContestBlog at
valmgs last blog post..I spent my mental health day in the hospital
1. I liked the following items: Left4Dead Xbox 360 Sears item# 05891495000 The Perfect Pushup Sears item# 00614605000
2. Tweeted about the contest:
3. Wrote a post about the contest:
Davids last blog post..Izea “Grant A Wish Gift Card Giveaway!†Contest
KitchenAid Hand Mixer – $67.50
Sears item# 00869248000
Carter’s Infant Sleep & Play – $8.99
Sears item # 02901266010
Carter’s Infant Sleep & Play – $8.99
Sears item # 02901269010
Carter’s Infant Sleep & Play – $8.99
Sears item # 02901268009
Mio Moov 200 Portable GPS Navigator w/ 3.5 in. Touchscreen Display
Sears item# 05710010000 Mfr. model# MIO MOOV 200 $99.99
Thanks for the chance!
I’d go with item #04421672000 Diamond earrings for my wife!
Burberry 1.0 oz Eau de Parfum
Sears item# 07468435000
Juicy Couture .17 Oz Collectible Eau De Perfume
Sears item# 07468509000
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
item #00338416000)
I’d love to have Sears item# 00858731000 Mfr. model# WAF-6 so that we can all eat HOT waffles at the same time.
Awww, Eva’s so CUTE! Haha, I’m betting that the reason she picked the toolbox was because she wants to be just like her Granddad.
If I were to win, I would spend it on a ping-pong table priced at $99.99 (Sears item# 0062604300) for my younger brother. We both enjoyed playing games on end when we were younger and spent the holidays at my uncle’s. Now that we’re older, there isn’t much we can just spend some good ol’ brother-sister time on and enjoy. I think the two of us would definitely enjoy reverting back to our younger selves just for a few hours while playing ping-pong!
deepikaurs last blog post..Retaggr, Your Online Business Card [Review]
My daughters 2nd birthday is coming up and I would get her item# 05280248000 Mfr. model# 709667 (Fisher-Price bounce and spin zebra) and the item# 05297788000 Mfr. model# 705349B (Busy Ball-tivity table by Playskool)
My husband needs a new one to cut wood with.
Husqvarna 20 in. Chain Saw
Sears item# 07135269000 Mfr. model# 455 Rancher
Thank you!
I would buy the Sears item# 00353298000. I don’t have one and I need one. Thanks for the chance.
My friend lost her job, and is unable to buy her kids Christmas presents this year. They would love Sears item #05896869000.
I also blogged about your contest here:
and here:
Kenmore Sewing Machine with 58 Stitch Functions and Built-In Needle Threader Sears item# 02015358000
GPX Portable DVD Player w/ 8 in. Widescreen Display
Sears item #05757108000
I would enjoy being able to buy this item for myself:
Wii, My Sims Kingdom
Sears item# 05892589000 Mfr. model# WII ELA 15550
It costs $49.99
Pandigital 7.0 in. LCD Digital Picture Frame with Remote
Sears item# 00354854000
I’d get:
Panasonic 8.1MP Digital Camera, FS3 – Green
* Sears item #00398791000
* Mfr. model #DMC-FS3G
I’d love a new coffeemaker, item #00833340000.
If I won, I’d probably buy the Cuisinart 600 watt Blender, SmartPower Premierâ„¢ for my mom.
Sears item# 00818312000 Mfr. model# CBT-500
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
I twittered about your giveaway, and my Twitter username is Luvkitty.
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
My mom has been wanting me to convert all of her old pictures into digital format (so many boxes!), but her ancient scanner barely works and just doesn’t cut it. I’d love to get her a #00399843000 scanner/copier to get the job done.
Jessis last blog post..I like you, I like you! I really, really like you!
I’d get the Conair Infiniti Nano Silver High Temperature Ionic Steam Straightener.
Sears item# 00812842000
I would pick a Waring Food Slicer Sears item# 00810494000.
You have a beautiful little girl. I really enjoyed reading your shopping adventure. It’s so touching to know that Sears is giving individuals the chance to shop for others less fortunate.
If we were to win, we would get a stand for our television since we are using the coffee table now. lol
Ty Pennington Style Carson TV Stand
Sears item# 00810645000
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
i would take the card to my local sears and go shopping in the lands end section
I would love the: Delta Childrens Sleigh Toddler Bed in Caramel
Sears item# 04990281000
I tweeted!
I’ll be buying: Sears item# 00626000000
oh, i gave you the number but forgot to mention it’s a Ping Pong table (i’m a subscriber). Thanks
I would buy 2 pair of Levi’s 517 Boot Cut Jeans, #04149003303; 1 Dockers Chest Stripe 1/4 Zip Sweater, #04170926003; and 1 Covington Short Sleeve Pique Polo, #04187280002.
I’d buy:
Sears item # 09674742000 Boucle Throw blanket in sage – 15.99
Sears item# 00917765000 Craftsman 12-gal 5.0 peak hp Wet/Dry Vac – 59.99
My brother has been hoping for an MP3 player for a long time, but it’s beyond his budget right now, so I would love to get him the Sony 4GB Walkman® MP3 Player – Black, Sears item# 05721620000. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Happy holidays!
The little princess carriage
Jennie Lees last blog post..Saturday’s Featured Giveaway Blog – Go Graham Go!
I would buy a Kenmore sewing machine for $79.99, Sears item# 02015343000.
I think I twittered this at
I would love this fryer
item #00862016000
I really want this Tricord 15″ Rosewood digital picture frame,Sears item #00398590000 It’s $224.99, but I’ll pay the difference.
Thanks for the awesome contest and I’d also like to thank Sears and Izea for all of these grant a wish sweepstakes.
Happy Holidays to you all.
I would be so grateful to win a Sears Gift Card. I’d really love to get the Suncast Extra Large Deck Box – Sears item# 07165030000 Mfr. model# DB9000
Thanks for the great giveaway. Hope to win.
Blog entry here at
I would use the gift card to get;
Baby Phat Golden Goddess Perfume
Sears item# 07468394000
Mango Tango Laptop Bag
Sears item #00378227000
Andrea Evanss last blog post..Grant A Wish With Sears
I made a blog post here
I tweeted it.
Andrea Evanss last blog post..Grant A Wish With Sears
I would pick a Waring Food Slicer Sears item# 00810494000
I would get an undercounter CD player/radio (#05797708000) and a new Jacket (#01712956067)
I need a Tom Tom navigation system, Sears item# 05730719000. I’m always getting lost. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use it towards Sony 7.2MP Digital Camera (Sears item # 00338416000)
I would buy a Chef’s Choice Cordless Electric Kettle, Sears item# 00869970000 for $56.69.
Sears item# 00399536000 HP Laptop with the balance on my credit card.
Sears item# 00911588000 Mfr. model# 11588. I would buy this for my step father, who recently had his garage broken into. They stole most of his tools. Thanks!!
If I win, I would buy the iHome AM/FM Clock Radio for iPod –
Sears item #05792438000
#02066109000 a microwaye
So hard to pick!!
Dearfoams Burnout Velour Bootie
Sears item # 07511220004
Journey Diamond Circle Pendant. 10K White Gold
Sears item # 04421720000
I know this is a little bit more than the money limit but if I could get anything from the store,its what I would get Sears item #05791320000
Marilyns last blog post..Newmarket Press – 1,000 Dollars and an Idea Contest
I would buy a Sony 4GB Walkman® MP3 Player – Red
* Sears item #05721623000
* Mfr. model #NWZE436FRED
Sears item #05721658000 – would buy it for my son.
I’d get two of these:Sunbeam Elite Heated Blanket
starts at $49.99 starts at $99.99
thru 12/24/08
All items on sale
I would order items 02492593000 x1 and 02483801000 x4. Thanks for the generous contest!
I would buy a Huffy 20in Boys Axis Bike # 00623112000
I am in need of new luggage, I would buy this:
Heys USA Tc50 Travel Concepts Nassau 4 Pc Luggage Set 99.99
Sears item # 01499775001 Mfr.model # TC50
Sears item # 07651847564 Mfr.model # 11422 BKW
This for my daughter and This for my son:
Sears item # 07605254574 Mfr.model # 05254
Thank you for the great giveaway!
What an awesome idea! This year has been a very difficult one for Damian and I and he has been amazing through my hospital stays and taking care of MAtthew when I couldn’t. I can’t imagine what he has gone through. This year we were not able to exchange gifts with each other because of my reducing my hours at work. I would love to be able to get him a tool box that he has wanted for a long time. The sku number is Craftsman 5 Drawer Tool Center w/Riser and Panel – Platinum and Black
Sears item# 00959318000 Mfr. model# 59318
Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I would buy my family the Harvard Mercury 6ft. Hockey Table (item #00625285000), which is on sale for $99.99!
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
I am heartbroken to hear that. I wish you and Damian a happy Christmas this year despite the presents. I hope that you entered all of the contests to increase your chances of winning. I’d love it if you hit for the $500 gift card because that would help you both. We need to catch up, soon.
Chef’s Choice 9″ Kitchen Shears
Sears item #00891971000
Mfr. model #2006001
We would love to win Wii Fit & Wii Balance Board
Sears item# 05892358000 Mfr. model# WII RVL R RFNE – $89.99 Thanks for the chance to win.
I would buy tomtom GPS, ONE 125 Portable GPS Navigation Device, item # 05730719000 for $99.99. Thanks so much!
Sears item# 00910872000 Craftsman Mini Circular Saw
I would get the Heys USA Tc50 Travel Concepts Nassau 4 Pc Luggage Set – Sears item # 01499775001 for $99.99
Chrysas last blog post..Free Redbox Movie Rental Code for 12/22/08
I tweeted:
I’d buy bathroom linens.
(8 ea) Colormate Solid Bath Towel
Sears item # 09699915256
(6 ea) Colormate Solid Hand Towel
Sears item # 09699916256
(14 ea) Colormate Solid Washcloth
Sears item # 09699917256
need new winter boots
1/4 ct. tw.* Diamond Earrings
Sears item# 04429685000 Mfr. model# 83526D/10
$99.00 very nice!!!
For $99.99 on sale #5757198000 the GPX Portable DVD Player with 8 inch widescreen display would be great! Thanks for the opportunity!
I can remember growing up and making our Christmas list from the Sears catalog. My sisters and I would carefully mark the pages to send to Santa. We thought that Santa got all of our toys at Sears.
I would love to purchase the Delonghi Retro Panini Maker with this great gift card.
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway. It must be fun getting to play Santa.
I would buy a new printer. Canon All-In-One Inkjet Photo Printer, PIXMA MP180
Sears item# 00398771000 Mfr. model# MP180
I would like the sears elgin watch item no. 04410608000
thanks for great giveaway
Can it be used online? Because we don’t have a Sears near here.
I’d get my son a coat and probably some shoes. Size 9 shoes are not cheap! LOL.
Angelikas last blog post..Why it’s good to be poor at Christmas
I shop at Sears pretty regularly and it’s great they are sponsoring this via IZEA. What I’d get is a Wii Fit Sears item# 05892358000 Mfr. model# WII RVL R RFNE. Granted, it isn’t in stock at the moment and probably won’t be for a while, but I’d hop on the waiting list.
I would like to buy the computer case on wheels Sears item #09172411000!
I would pick a Kodak Easy share(had the item # copied but lost it,oops!) Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Safety 1st Tubside Bath Seat
Sears item# 04910287000 Mfr. model# 44537
We seem to break our cameras with regularity. I’d opt for the Nikon 8.0MP Digital Camera, Coolpix – Blue
Sears item #00353138000
Great giveaway! I would get something for both of my girls.
Boston Accent Indy – Black
Sears item# 05428527000 for my oldest
My Real Dreamtime Baby Doll — Blue Eyes and Fair Skin
Sears item# 05294962000 for my youngest
Thank you!!!
i would get 2 wireless 360 controllers item #05891814000
my husband’s cousin is working 3 jobs and loves when I send food home I made in my slowcooker so I would love to get this for her:
Rival 6 Qt. Smart-Pot Slow Cooker with Bonus Little Dipper
Sears item #00864485000
Mfr. model #SCVP609-KLS
Crane Air Purifier-Penguin
Sears item #03298509000
Mfr. model #EE-5065-P
You Pay: $99.99
Mio Moov 200 Portable GPS Navigator w/ 3.5 in. Touchscreen Display Sears item# 05710010000 Mfr. model# MIO MOOV 200 $99.99
Kenmore Microwave Oven
Sears item# 02066109000
Craftsman 16-gal 6.5-peak hp Wet/Dry Vac with Detachable 265 mph Blower
Sears item #00917066000 ty 4 the awesome giveaway and entry:)
I’d get a backless barstool like this: Sears item #00859065000. My hubby’s current one is lookin’ bad.
Thanks for the contest!
All I want is some necessities for our baby! I found this wonderful highchair that is just perfect for her. Here is the information:
Graco Meal Timeâ„¢ Highchair, Annabelle
Sears item# 04988740000 Mfr. model# 749621001101-7
Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity to enter!
I Twittered about your amazing Sears Giveaway! Here is a link to the Tweet:
Cuisinart Classic Toaster Oven Broiler
Sears item #00869772000
Mfr. model #TOB-50
On sale right now for $99.99
I would chose the Nikon 8.0MP Digital Camera, Coolpix – Blue Sears item# 00353138000 Mfr. model# L18-a since my cameras battery door is now held on with tape. Thanks for the opportunity.
I’d love to own a Keurig Single-Cup Coffee Maker — I’ve heard such great things about it, and it would be very convenient for day-to-day use: Sears # 00833340000 ($99)
I would get the Kenmore Blender/Food Processor Red
Sears item# 00880575000 Mfr. model# 204215
Here is my Sears Wishlist:
10k gold Butterfly Pendant ##04470258000 for $99.00
Nikon 8.0MP Digital Camera, Coolpix – Blue
Sears item #00353138000
I would buy a cordless drill.
I’d get a pair of Adidas tennis shoes for my daughter item #07650181562 and a micro fleece blanket for myself item #09671778001. Happy Holidays!
I would put it toward a Kitchen Aid mixer (#00847807000). I’ve wanted one forever now and instead just bought a new sewing machine. I have a hand mixer that works and a sewing machine that didn’t, so I had to get it! LOL But I’d love a stand mixer. Crossing my fingers here!
Tsoniki Crazy Bulls last blog post..Learning About Native Heritage
Black Kenmore 2.7 cu. ft. Compact Refrigerator
Sears item# 04692779000 Mfr. model# 92779
I have really enjoyed reading the blogs about this giveaway! I’ve followed a few and have been impressed by the ideas by the bloggers. As for me, I’m a single Mom who has a very limited budget for christmas. This year, I was really hoping one of my little munchkins would ask for Guitar Hero so they would all have something they could play with together, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be…. so I would get Sears item #05892384000 the Guitar Hero Bundle because I know they would love it!
I would get the Craftsman NEXTECâ„¢ 12 Volt Lithium-Ion Hammerhead Auto Hammer Sears item #00911818000
Tires for my car – winter just started and I of course realized that I really need new tires
#00801294000 is a toaster oven which would be great for making smaller meals with.
I would get my Son some new school clothes. He just about grows out of everything right after he gets it. Here is some items I liked for him from Sears website.
Canyon River Blues Boy’s 8-20 Husky Layered Woven Plaid Shirt
Sears item# 040S3041000
Levi’s ® Boy’s 8-20 Painter Jean
Sears item # 04004784140
Levi’s ® Boy’s 8-20 569™ Loose Fit Jean
Sears item # 04004733140
Before I got pregnant, we got rid of some baby things, just because 1) we ran out of room and 2) I was depressed and just didn’t want to see it anymore. Now with the baby coming, I would use the gift card to get another glider (we sold our old one). Item number 04988353000- it’s more than $100, but a good start!
Alli. my name, not a keywords last blog post..December 22nd :: Dance of the Roomba
I blogged about this giveaway and your blog anchoring it as you asked. check it out here:
As for me i’d love to get the
Nikon 8.0MP Digital Camera, Coolpix – Blue
Sears item #00353138000
I would love to win the George Foreman Family-Sized Grill w/Indigo Bun Warmer Sears item# 00848513000 and the Kenmore 10 cup Food Processor Sears item #00881002000. Thanks!
Kodak 8.2MP Digital Camera, EasyShare C813
* Sears item #00353249000
for my daughter because her camera of only 6 months broke and fuji won’t stand behind there warranty
I would get the Cuisinart Chefs Classic 7 pc. Stainless Steel Cookware Set Thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
First off, Eva is beautiful! If chosen, I would purchase item #00880806000 Nesco American Harvest Square Dehydrator-700 Watts! We have been wanting one for years to make deer jerky, but for us, it is a luxury item. Thanks for the chance!
Waring Food Slicer
Sears item# 00810494000 Mfr. model# FS150 $98.99.
I would buy the Mia Moda Cielo Compact Stroller in Chocolate, Sears item# 04990578000.
Thanks for the giveaway, I would love the 7pc American Tourist luggage set
Item # 01455034000
sharr1226 at yahoo dot com
I’d get #03298470000
I would love the Nintendo Wii Fit Entertainment Pack
* Sears item #05892940000
Perfect to go along with my new year’s goals.
Elizabeth M.s last blog post..A little less Wisdom….A lot more Laughs
I would like 1/2 ct. t.w.* Diamond Composite Stud Earring. 10K White Gold
Sears item# 04421558000 Mfr. model# E60190C00W -$99
I would love to have the Eureka Upright Vacuum
Sears item# 02037761000.
I tweeted!
Elizabeth M.s last blog post..A little less Wisdom….A lot more Laughs
I blogged here
Elizabeth M.s last blog post..A little less Wisdom….A lot more Laughs
I would like the 1/2 ct. t.w.* Diamond Composite Stud Earring. 10K White Gold
Sears item# 04421558000 Mfr. model# E60190C00W -$99
Thank you for this great contest! I am moving into my first apartment and would love this: Kenmore 10 cup Food Processor
Sears item #00881002000
I blogged about this at
tweeted- name-donnak4
I’d use it towards this camera for my daughter:
Sony 7.2MP Digital Camera, W120 – Pink
Sears item #00338408000
Here’s my post:
Connies last blog post..Contests and Giveaways Galore
Sears item #05892346000: Wii,Mario Kart & Wii Wheel
& Sears item #05892537000: Wii,Lego Batman
Total: $99.98
We really need a new microwave so I would choose, Sharp 1 cu.ft. 1100W Microwave Oven w/turntable – White, Sears item# 02094124000.
How about some nice diamonds? 1/3 ct. tw.* Ear Studs
Sears item# 04428471000 Mfr. model# KEOF12432 Yea.
Craftsman 3 gal. Air Compressor, 1 hp, Horizontal Tank
Sears item# 00915310000 Mfr. model# 15310 it’s 99 dollars on sale and would be for my hubby!
thank you and Merry Christmas!
I sooo want a Wii Fit & Wii Balance Board
Sears item #05892358000
If I am the lucky winner of the gift card, I’d like to buy a couple of sets of Lands’ End 400 TC Supima No-iron Sheet Sets (item # 09655826004), they’re under $40 each, so my husband and I could each have a set. We have only one set of really nice sheets that we got at an outlet store, because we normally can’t afford anything that nice. I thought the whole thread count thing was overrated until we got those sheets. It does make a difference!
Auriettes last blog post..Introductions
Tweet tweet:
Caryn Baileys last blog post..WW: Santa…Scary?
Thanks for the great contest.
I’d get new vacuum: Hoover Upright Vacuum (Sears item# 02038816000 Mfr. model# U5512900) for $99.99.
My digital camera died, and I really need one for work. Therefore, I pick Sears item #00353288000.
I like Sears item #00869943000 and Sears item #00869044000
I would buy the Nikon 8.0MP Digital Camera, Coolpix – Blue (Sears item #00353138000)! Thanks!
I’ve always wanted to try the Shark Steam Mop, which is Sears item# 02037267000.
i’d want the Craftsman 7-1/4 in. Miter Saw with Laser Tracâ„¢ – $86
Sears item# 00921180000