Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Careful Concentration

Photo-A-Day #2409

I took tonight off for our anniversary. Celebrated by falling dead asleep at 6pm while reading Eva some Winnie the Pooh in our bed as a family. I was sleeping and falling asleep while reading. Allison took over. I heard two lines and then woke up when she came to bed at 10pm. Happy Anniversary!

Photo today is from a shoot that Eva and I did this afternoon while getting ready for another SwagsGiving giveaway, for a Crayola Story Studio with Disney Princesses. That goes live Tuesday.

Will Today be the Day?

Photo-A-Day #2408

Before Eva was born Allison and I were on the Cape and walking around a garden area. She stopped to rest on a bench and as she looked down at her stomach I took a photo of her and it is one of my favorites. Today we went to The Blackington Inn to celebrate our anniversary (tomorrow). When we came out I saw this picnic table and liked the setting so I asked Allison to sit down on the seat so I could take a photo of her. We don’t have many photos of Allison during her pregnancy with our second child so I thought I’d get one today. Doesn’t she look beautiful! Continue reading Will Today be the Day?