Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

You Got Me Prizes!

Photo-A-Day #1918

Allison and Eva went to Target today to pick up things for Eva’s prize basket. Eva’s prize basket is something new that we are trying to coincide with potty training. We’ve been working with Eva on her training and she is doing pretty well. We decided that we would try a system where if she goes on the potty and not in the pull up she gets a sticker. When she fills up a row of stickers she will be able to pick a prize from her prize basket. She’s not quite getting the whole putting off the prizes thing and she figures that every time she goes into the bathroom she get s a sticker. Continue reading You Got Me Prizes!

Chalk, Walk, Good Talk

Photo-A-Day #1917

Allison and I are big TV fans, we spend many nights watching TV as I write my blog posts. We are fans of all sorts of shows and the DVR is a magical device in our home. It is great for keeping some of Eva’s favorite Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows and we use it to capture our favorite shows and specials that we’d love to watch again. Sometimes we get behind on the shows and have a little DVR cleaning night where we clear out everything. Continue reading Chalk, Walk, Good Talk