Category Archives: Travel

Pre-Vacation Malaise

Photo-A-Day #2564

Another weekend day, another day to sleep. Eva’s not been feeling well. Andrew’s been real clingy to Allison and I haven’t been sleeping that well. We’ve got a vacation coming up and I’m not sure if it is nerves, the impending downtime after going full tilt for so long or what. Anyway, I’m starting to feel the effects of impending downtime and hope that we can just rest up, feel better and have a good vacation. Continue reading Pre-Vacation Malaise

Family Road Trip to Evelyn’s Drive-In

Photo-A-Day #2296

Today was a pretty awesome day. At 9am the Chevy Camaro Convertible arrived. It is bright yellow! I was so excited because I could drive BumbleBee around for the better part of the next week (more on that later). I signed my paperwork and got the keys. The guy dropping it off asked if he wanted me to have him pull it into the driveway. I said no thanks and took off up the road. I drove the car up by the farms on Ellis road with the wind flying by, it was Awesome! Continue reading Family Road Trip to Evelyn’s Drive-In