Easter 2022

easter Morning
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01202

Today was Easter and we started out with an Easter Egg hunt at Mem and Grandfathers with the kids and the cousins. Last night Andy caught us filling the Easter Eggs. He seemed okay about it even shouting that he knew it. However, when he went upstairs he was sobbing about it. Tara and I both comforted him and he eventually got to sleep. He didn’t say anything more about it today when he was tearing around the house looking for eggs. The kids had a nice egg hunt and then we had breakfast. We went to 11 am Mass over at Saint Anthony’s and then came home and had a nice lunch.

Easter after Church

We relaxed for the afternoon and then watched Better Nate than Ever for a movie tonight. Andy really enjoyed that movie and it was cute. I had only gotten to see half of it one night with him and he told me later that he really enjoyed it. I think my parents also enjoyed it. Andy has a good taste in movies overall.