Kite Flying Traditions

Kids Flying Kites
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01288

Today was by far the windiest day on the Cape our whole trip. so, what else would the kids like to do on a windy day then fly a kite. Yes, you need wind for kite flying but this was a lot of wind. The kids were not to be deterred so they took the turtle kite over to the beach and they did a nice job of taking turns with the kite. However, some things are just inevitable with kites. At some point the roll of string was let go and the kite went sailing off but not before the string got wrapped around the power lines.

Allison and Eva and I went to see Thor: Love and Thunder at the Falmouth Cinema Pub and just before we left we saw the kite flying up over the houses while it was stuck on the power lines. It think this happened more often than not when I was a kid. I even think that is how we obtained that kite in the first place. Thor was a good movie and we enjoyed it very much. Not as good as Ragnarok but still entertaining overall.