Photo-A-Day #2248
Today was one of those milestone days that comes along only once when you’re a parent of a little girl. The first dance recital.
Today was one of those milestone days that comes along only once when you’re a parent of a little girl. The first dance recital.
This morning I was up at 5:55am (so much for sleeping in or napping at the Cape). I ran over to the beach and started looking again for my wedding ring. No luck. My Dad was out even earlier and he talked to some of the guys who were out with metal detectors. He told them the story and also where we lived. I pretty much told anyone walking up the beach in that area the story. Still no luck.
So, after looking for a while I came home and edited my 4th of July Fireworks photos. I also worked on the photos from parade too. Dad made a big breakfast for us as well as for my Aunt and Uncle and their kids. They came up in their motor home and stayed the night. Eva was very happy to be playing with her buddy Amanda May. I think Eva ate about 14 breakfasts today, it was nuts. She just kept wanting more.
My Uncle Rich called to let me know that he was having a cookout and that one of my friends from high school would be there. So, we decided that we would go to the beach early in the morning and head home early to go to the cookout.
The beach was nice, the weather this weekend was gorgeous over all. It was windy but that just served to cool us down. I brought my snorkle and mask and spent about an hour wandering the close shoreline to search for the ring. Again I had no luck. At one point I saw a brilliant flash and my heart raced but it was only a piece of shiny ribbon.
It is amazing the connections that we have to other people. For instance my Uncle is dating the aunt of a friend of mine from high school and he just so happened to be visiting the same day that we would be visiting. We haven’t seen each other since High School either. Today on the beach I was reading one of the magazines from my big stack and a family friend came over and asked me about it. It was called Big Picture and was pretty much about large format printing. I received it randomly int he mail and had no idea what it was about. Well, our family friend used to write for the publication. We then spent the next 45 minutes talking about blogs and the printing industry. So many random connections happen all the time.
We headed home a little later than expected and got to Uncle Rich’s place for the Birthday Party (Happy Birthday Uncle Rich). Everyone but my friend’s Mom and Grandmother were over at Capron Park. We visited with them for a while and everyone returned. We spent a nice afternoon with my Uncle, his girlfriend, her sister and husband as well as mother. Then my friend and his wife and their son. It was great catching back up with Nick after so long. We even connected on Facebook so we will be able to continue to stay in contact.
Tomorrow we head up to NH to visit our brand new Niece! We are so excited.