Tag Archives: Blog World Expo

iPad… Well, I’m Pooped

Photo-A-Day #1922

This weather is sapping my energy completely. I work in an air conditioned office all day but when I leave the heat and humidity just crashes down on me so oppressively. Couple that with a late night visit last evening from Eva and you have a perfect storm of energy loss. Continue reading iPad… Well, I’m Pooped

Goodbye Evo’10, Thanks for the Inspiration

Photo-A-Day #1905

The Evolution of Women in Social Media… Great conference but why was I there? It was funny telling people that I was going to a conference and then telling them the titled of the conference. I got a lot of funny looks. Why was I going to go to Utah to spend the weekend with a couple hundred female bloggers? I’ll tell you why, and it wasn’t just because I was speaking. I went because I saw the potential to make some really strong personal connections with people who understand Social Media and what it means to be a blogger. I saw the opportunity to hear fresh new voices of courage and strength. I saw a hidden gem of a conference that was engaging, intimate and inspiring. That is why I attended Evo’10 and why I’ll be ready to sign up for Evo’11. Continue reading Goodbye Evo’10, Thanks for the Inspiration