Tag Archives: bubbles

Spinning Whimsy

Spinning Whimsy
Photo-A-Day #2246

After dinner, Eva, Allison and I went outside to blow bubbles. Eva enjoyed spinning around trying to catch them all. We have really enjoyed using the bubbles outside the past few days too. I got the idea to go and shoot some photos while Allison blew the bubbles and Eva chased them because bubbles are so colorful. Let’s just say that it was a little too windy today for me to get a good focus on the bubbles, but this photo turned out to capture what I saw in the fun of bubbles. Continue reading Spinning Whimsy

Circling Around with some Bubbles

Photo-A-Day #2186

A day getting things done here. Well, maybe not here but we did do some fun stuff later in the day. We also went and looked at a couple of houses. One was so cool and I think we might make an offer. the other I didn’t like at all. I knew I didn’t like it just pulling up to the driveway. It is pretty much straight up and fits two cars. The backyard is a swamp… um I mean wetlands. Blah. Continue reading Circling Around with some Bubbles