Tag Archives: clouds

Blue Skies and Ceilings

Photo-A-Day #2292

Today I got home and went to sleep till I woke up to jack hammering across the street. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I went on over to the new house and helped Dad paint the living room. Then Dad painted the hallway and I did a few of the closets. We got a lot done over the past few weeks and tomorrow the floor guy comes. We’ve got a few rooms left to complete with touch ups. We’re very close to having all the painting done.

I added some more photos to our set of photos from the new house. You can see how the office turned out. I’m really happy with it.

Frozen Over

Photo-A-Day #2083

Took a walk today at lunch. Liked how this looked then liked it more in Black and White. No details on the shot today as I took the photo through the program Everytrail and for some reason it doesn’t record much of anything other than the filename. It was supposed to record everything but the app is not working right for me. I wrote all about it over on my weekly Road to Thin Post.