Tag Archives: crayola

Use Every Color in Your Box of Crayons

Use Every Color in Box of Crayons
Photo-A-Day #1605

Learning from great teachers… Children

The other day I was coloring with Eva. We were coloring one of those giant coloring pages. I had picked her up a Hello Kitty one a while back and we take out a large sheet and work on it together.

I immediately start coloring things their “proper” colors and “inside the lines”. I can’t seem to break that habit. Eva pulls out any old crayon and just starts making wide swaths across the sheet in the color of the moment. Kids do that naturally, they decide on something and commit to it. Then just as easily they pull out another crayon and make a quick change. Hello Kitty is going to be Bright Orange today. Bam! Hello Kitty is Orange. Now she should be Purple. Bang. Purple.

Embracing “Mistakes”

Now I tell this not because I think that Eva’s going to be the next great artist or anything but rather to say that kids have no fear of making mistakes until we start telling them the “right” way to do something. As a kid one thing I always looked forward to was a new box of Crayola crayons. Let’s face it, they were the best. Rose Art? No way. Opening that brand new box of 64 colors was great, you not only had green-blue you had blue-green in your arsenal. Fast forward to the middle of the school year. How many of those crayons still had perfect tips? Most of them? None of them?

What does your Crayon Box Look Like?

I think that we are so afraid to make mistakes. We don’t take chances with those additional colors in the box of crayons. If I took bloggers, for example, I’d say that the people who are making the biggest differences are those who have a box full of broken and peeled crayons. The box is ripped and there are marks of every color all over it. These are people who take big risks and in return make big mistakes but also make some incredibly big wins.

Using all Your Crayon Colors

As an exercise pick up a brand new box of 64 crayons. Take a photo of that new box. Show me those perfect crayon tips. Now Take out the core colors from the box of 8. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Black and Brown. Throw them away. (Or give them to your kids just don’t use them) You’re not allowed to fall back on these colors. Now you can grab some sheets of blank paper and start coloring and drawing. If you want you can grab some coloring pages from PBSKids.org like this one of Curious George in a plane. Or if you are feeling really up for a challenge grab some coloring pages from Jan Brett. Her pages are very detailed and amazing. Pick a crayon at random and start putting color on paper. Don’t think about the lines or what color should be used. Just blindly color at random. Every minute take a new random crayon continue coloring. Do this for 30 minutes. When you are done shoot a photo of the box of crayons and a photo of your drawing, coloring page or whatever. We’re not looking for Rembrandt here we are just looking for pushing creativity. If it helps lay on the floor with your kids and color with them. Make it a game for the family.

Many Colors

Many Colors
Photo-A-Day #1558

Today was a whirlwind day. First off I participated in a huge simultaneous blog post with #10Ways. Unfortunately I jumped the dang gun and posted at 9:00am EST not 9:00 PST like I was supposed to. That is okay I remedied that quickly and waited for the big bang. At noon the big bang went off and it was huge. So many people were part of this post and the tweets went off like crazy. I followed a bunch of new people today and suddenly I hit the 2000 followers limit and can’t follow anyone else. Huh? I guess I will have to wait till the people following me gets higher.

Today also when I got home I colored with Eva. It has been so long since I’ve used a crayon and drawn anything. She has some Disney stickers and I drew Donald Duck and a partial Mickey Mouse before she got bored with it. They aren’t even half bad. When I walked in the house from work Eva pointed to the Pop Photography magazine in my hand and said “camera” I didn’t realize that I had the magazine in my hand so I went off to get my Canon SD 800is camera. I don’t mind her using that one, it is rugged. I also got the little camera that Dina from Market Leverage got for her. I let Eva put the button and showed her how to hold the camera. That didn’t go so well.

I thought I’d be cute and let Eva take my camera and I’d take hers for the Photo-A-Day but that didn’t work either because I accidentally erased the pictures and I wasn’t able to get them off the camera. I will try again some other day. Eva was much more successful however and she took a ton of photos, mostly because she just kept pushing the button. I uploaded the photos to Flickr and you can check them out. I tagged them EvaBooShoots.

Later after I read Eva 5 books before bed I called a blogger who goes by the name Bad Evan. The other day he DM’d (Private Twitter) me his phone number and then tweeted that he should now change it. We bantered a bit and that was the end of things. Then some other bloggers got involved and we playfully bantered some more. Well tonight I gave Bad Evan a call. He’s a wicked nice guy. We had a few awkward minutes of conversation then we fell into a groove and talked for a good 15 minutes or so. He’s got some amazing project that he is working on and I am looking forward to seeing that as well as seeing him blog again soon. So if you DM me your Phone # I might just call you.

Speaking of blogging, I was interviewed by Laurie Burkitt from Forbes magazine for an article that I personally think was biased and terrible. She (Laurie) got the blog url of this blog wrong despite my sending her 8 links to posts on this blog and also having my blog url in the signature of my e-mail (we exchanged a few, follow up questions) . She also misquoted me stating “I make $6,000 more every year for my family.” That is incorrect. Since starting blogging with IZEA and their many properties, PayPerPost, PayPerPost v4.0, Sponsored Tweets and SocialSpark I have made about $6,000 in total through PayPerPost alone, that is over the course of 3 years. With SocialSpark I have made nearly $500 and PPP V4.0 $35.00 Sponsored Tweets $3.50. I’m not retiring anytime soon but the money certainly has helped my family in many ways. Seeing my blog url incorrect and being misquoted makes me seriously doubt the integrity of the piece overall. What other facts are missing and skewed.