Tag Archives: Donations

Family Smiles

Photo-A-Day #2470

Eva is such a love. She just loves her little brother so much. Tonight when we put her to bed she asked if she could hold him. She held him pretty well but she’s also twitchy so when she was done I’m glad I had my hands under him because she just pulled her hands away. We’ll work on that and only allow her to hold the boy inches over something very,very soft. Continue reading Family Smiles

Christmas is for Kids 2009

Photo-A-Day #1702

For the past year Allison, Eva and I have set aside $10 a month to buy toys. The toys are not for Eva, they are not even for me. No, these toys are for a special event that happens each year, the Christmas is for Kids Toy Drive. My friend Sarah Achin of Achin’s garage and her family put on this wonderful toy drive to help out Christmas is for Kids, a local charity that collects money and toys, new and unwrapped, and distributes them to local children.

Continue reading Christmas is for Kids 2009