Tag Archives: Flickr

Website: Flickr, I’ve gone Pro

I upgraded my Flickr account yesterday to the Pro version. I also joined two groups. I joined Macro Mondays and a Photo-A-Day group. I was accepted to the Macro Monday’s group but am waiting to hear on the Photo-A-Day one. I find that more and more my passion is for photography and I need to spend more time looking at how good photographers take their photos. I also should spend much more time on Flickr.

I signed up for the two year pro package and am looking forward to all that will entail. There should be some cool things for me to see and to participate in. I may get some photowalking sets up on my Flickr account. I would love to have some great sets like Thomas Hawk. That guy is amazing.

Slickr with Flickr

The ever awesome Cali Lewis talked about Slickr on GeekBrief.tV episode #151. Slickr is a free screen saver software that allows you to stream Flickr images to your computer as a screen saver. You can pick th tags that you want or maybe a Flickr group that you follow. I downloaded it and set it to come up with photos tagged with Photo A Day or Photo-A-Day. The images I got were incredible. This is a very cool free download. I would encourage you to download it and test it out for yourself.

This also made me think, Do I tag my images properly when I upload them? Am I consistent about it? I think that I have not been that great about tags on anything so I will me more conscious of doing so in the future.