Tag Archives: Flowers

Flowers all over

Flowers all over
Photo-A-Day #1482

This morning was a great one even though I was up at 3:00am and then Eva woke up at 4:00am. The great this was that when I left for work at 5:00am Eva said “I Love You” without any prompting. It was such a high to leave on.

I’ve been enjoying the weather and today was the perfect temperature. I couldn’t wait to get home after work and play with Eva in the back yard. I wanted to use some of that 200oz of bubbles that I bought yesterday. When I got home we did play with the bubbles and she loved it.

p>Also, you have a just 1 day left to enter the 16GB iPod giveaway from BenSpark.com and Market Leverage.com. Also I am in the home stretch of a comment contest on my two posts about Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs. I need everyone who is reading this post to please comment on both of these posts, please. Being Responsible and Blogs, Brews 2 Recap

White Noise

White Noise
Photo-A-Day #1476

The flowers in the backyard are starting to bloom on the trees. This afternoon we took Eva to the backyard to play with her workbench. I picked up a set of tools for her to play with outside. She enjoyed them very much. I took a few nice shots of her out in the yard too.

Hard at work
Eva’s working on her workbench.

If I had a hammer
Eva’s new set of tools and her workbench.

Eva may just be a goal after all. She’s not a fan of kicking the ball.