Eva and I got a copy of Disney’s Tangled Storybook Deluxe app for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. This is a wonderful app because in addition to an interactive book similar to The Lion King: Timon’s Tale, it is actually full of much more content. The Tangled app has puzzles, coloring pages and other fun interactive things for kids. Eva loves this app because of the cool things that she can do with the app.
Tag Archives: Flynn Rider
Picture Perfect Princess

Photo-A-Day #2052
As a parent there are so many firsts to celebrate. For a parent who is a huge movie buff there is another milestone to celebrate. Your child’s first movie in a theater. Today we took Eva to a sneak preview of the movie Tangled. Allison won tickets to see the movie through Disney’s Family Fun magazine. So, this very morning we got up early (first time Eva went and slept late) and headed into Boston to the Regal cinema’s Fenway. We wanted to make sure that we got seats, good seats so that Eva would have the best experience possible.