Photo-A-Day #2448
Eva and I made some Christmas cookies today. We had a fun time mixing up the mixture and then spooning it onto the sheet. Well, I mixed the mixture and scooped the cookie dough onto the cookie sheet. Eva did a good bit of supervising and she wanted to help more. The thing is, she is four and twitchy. It is hard to give her many jobs when she’s flailing around. But she did pour the mixture onto the butter as I stirred. She did that pretty well, but when it came to the chocolate chips, well, they fell where they may. Continue reading Creating Some Christmas Cheer →

Photo-A-Day #1331
There is an event that I look forward to each Christmas and that is the family party with my Dad’s family. My Dad has seven sisters and so we have a very large family. This year the party was very early because of everyone’s schedules but that is okay, it kind of took the pressure off everyone. This was also a great year because all of my aunts and my Dad and my grandparents were at the party. That means a family picture. I’ve taken quite a few of them over the years and I am happy to do so.
This year was also special because Eva is at that stage where everything she does is insanely adorable. And trying to be as non-biased as possible, she did very well walking all around the party. She managed not to get knocked down by all the bigger kids and she only fell over a few times. Once right on her face. She did manage to maneuver a step into the sunken living room. She would walk right up to the edge and sit down, many times without prompting too.
I took many pictures today and here are some that I really liked.
One Family's Adventures in the World