Tag Archives: Hot Wheels

Daddy/Daughter Weekend

Photo-A-Day #1786

At the moment of this writing Eva is lying in bed fast asleep. she should be because we had an action packed day. Allison is on Spa weekend up in Maine for a big time Knitting extravaganza. Knitting Tea and PJs, sounds relaxing. While she is away Eva and I are having some bonding time.

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A Hot Wheels Speed Freak

Speed Freaks
Photo-A-Day #1785

For Christmas I gave Eva some Hot Wheels. She enjoys playing with the cars and I love playing with the cars with her too. I saw a simple Loop the Loop set at Target and well, had to pick it up. It was the most simple one I could find. So tomorrow Eva will get to experience her very first Loop the Loop. I can’t wait to see what she does with this.

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