Tag Archives: IZEAFest 2009

iFrogz Headphones for my Little Tadpole

iFrogz Headphones for my Little Tadpole
Photo-A-Day #1609

I worked from home today. What I usually do on Thursdays when I work from home is I work on some video production. I’ve been asked to help on on various special projects as of late and that suits me just fine. I love the chance to get to use the special talents that I have and get paid to do so. Sometimes when I am home I need to keep Eva entertained so that I can get work done. She likes to take things off the desk and hand them to me. She took my headphones of the desk (big giant Sony ones) and tried to put them on. I knew it was finally time that we could try out the iFrogz Tadpole set that I had gotten for her when she was born (yeah I was too excited about this product)

The Tadpole is a an iPod case that was custom designed for kids. Look at the photo above. Eva is holding on to the case with the handles on either side. Those are 100% silicone and the case is a nice fun bright purple and the headphones include a bright green also. This iFrogz device converts my old iPod into a portable children’s entertainment device. I have a 5th or 6th gen (I can’t remember the gens) 80GB iPod Video. I upgraded tot he iPod Touch and never looked back. I’d love to see iFrogz create a Tadpole set for the iPod touch for when we upgrade those devices. I like that I was able to re-purpose something I already owned sot hat my daughter could enjoy it. I also got a funky tie dye wheel art for it which serves two purposes. it looks cool and it discourages Eva from thinking that she can control the iPod herself (not yet at least).

If you may be worries about Eva’s hearing… don’t. I set the volume controls on the iPod to be very, very low and because of that she is unable to make the volume higher either on purpose or accidentally. And she loves watching her Tinkerbell movie on it. We just got the 10th Anniversary Tigger movie too and that has a digital copy that I need to synch with the iPod as well.

So, speaking of IFrogz and talking again today about things iPod related I went and ordered my Dad a nice set of items from iFrogz that he can use to keep his new iPod safe and still show off the fancy Harley-Davidson Logo. Interesting that Dad is more of a cool Rockstar than I am. He’s got the Harley-Davidson to go along with the iPod. That is something I really want someday. I miss my motorcycle. It wasn’t a Harley but it was fun to ride.

Today I checked out a few very cool things. One I learned about from Chris Pirillo. It is called Your World of Text. The cool thing about this is that you can type in YourWorldOfText.com/ANYTHING. So I created http://www.yourworldoftext.com/benspark hop on over and drop a little note, maybe some old school ASCII art or something. How about your twitter name. Whatever you’d like as long as it is something you’d say to my face. 🙂

The other cool or rather interesting thing I worked with today was creating a Twibbon for people going to IZEAFest. I had a hard time making that initially but eventually I got it right, you can go and support the fact that you are going to IZEAFEst by going to http://twibbon.com/join/IZEAFest-2009 It totally works right now.

Can I Still be a RockStar?

Greg Rollett (@g_ro) certainly thinks so. Or at least he has the confidence in that he can help me become a Rockstar with the Under 30 Rock Star Business Series. The Under 30 part, well, can’t help me with that. I haven’t been Under 30 for 6 years. So I guess I can be an Under 40 Rockstar, right?

My Friend and famous blogger Murray Newlands connected me with Greg. They met at Affiliate Summit East. I unfortunately did not get to meet Greg but will fix that mistake at IZEAFest 2009.

Murray asked me to check out Greg’s upcoming program called the Under 30 Rock Star Business Series. Here are some awesome highlights for the course.

  • 4 Live Interactive Training Sessions
  • Week 1 – September 14th – Creating Your Voice With a Blog
  • Week 2 – September 21st – Creating Your Presence with Social Media
  • Week 3 – September 28th – Rock Star SEO and Internet Marketing
  • Week 4 – Advanced Strategies to Blow Your Brand Up Online
  • Unlimited Q&A after every session
  • Private Members Forum
  • Secret Twitter HashTag
  • Access to the training 24/7/365 a Day After We Go Over It Live

I personally am excited about the course because I have become a fan of Greg’s blog and he is a guy who knows what he is talking about regarding personal branding. Here he is talking with Fox regarding building a personal brand and why it is so important.

Greg is joined by two other guys who know about lifestyle design and personal branding. These guys are Matt Wilson (@mattwilsontv) and Jared O’Toole (@jaredotoole). They run the blog http://under30ceo.com/. Matt and Jared landed a national radio show because of their personal brands. Why should you sign up for this intensive course? Why don’t I let Matt tell you in his own words.

Some info about Matt from the U30 blog.

Matt Wilson graduated Bryant University after leading the Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization to becoming the world’s #1 entrepreneurship organization and earned personal accolades as National Student Leader of the Year. Hungry for more, Wilson decided he had found a niche bringing together smart, innovative, passionate people and co-founded Under30CEO a lifestyle magazine for young entrepreneurs. Wilson has used social media to create huge buzz online around the brand, landing U30 their national radio deal. His personal mission is to help every young entrepreneur on the planet live the dream.

Jared also has a passionate message as to why you should take part in the Under 30 Rockstart Business Series.

Some info about Jared from the U30 blog.

Jared O’Toole, a graduate of Ithaca College realized corporate finance was not for him during the tedious interview process. Instead he decided to fully immerse himself in the social media world and build his own image which has led to radio deals, book features and speaking engagements. Jared has since co-founded Under30CEO.com a lifestyle magazine for young professionals. He hopes to lead as many people as possible to live the dream by doing what they are truly passionate about in life.

These are guys who cannot even rent a car in some states yet they are working with companies like Coca-Cola, Miller Lite, The Employment Guide, Warner Bros, Disney, Strayer University, and countless small businesses, personal brands and entrepreneurs just like you. They have a unique and interesting message and I am looking forward to hearing it starting September 14, 2009.

Back to Greg. You saw greg’s video above from Fox lets hear what he has to say about the Under 30 Rockstar Business Series.

Here is some info about Greg from the U30 blog.

Greg is a Gen-Y on a mission. From Rocking For Hunger in the nonprofit world to consulting for Coca-Cola, Miller Lite, Employment Guide, Warner Bros as well as countless small businesses, personal brands and bands, Greg is a proven Social Media and SEO consultant and marketer. His current project is Rock Star Lifestyle Design, a site dedicated to helping 20somethings live the life they want now through leveraging their networks, Internet Marketing as well as Doing Good for Social Change. Hailing from Orlando, FL he has built his business to include Label 2.0, an interactive marketing training portal for musicians with partners like Grooveshark, ReverbNation and SoundOps. Other projects include serving on the Board of Directors at doterati, Central Florida’s Interactive and Tech Association, speaking at conferences all over the country and running a number of Internet Marketing and affiliate sites.

Greg, Matt and Jared are so passionate about helping you achieve your goals in social media. You might be thinking, well sure they are going to make money from this of course they are passionate. Well, they could have made this course open to anyone and everyone and raked in tons of money from it. they didn’t, they choose instead to make this a course limited to 200 people so that they could build a community from those people and be available to help each person out in their questions. In addition to everything you get as part of the course you also get this recently added bonus material just for signing up. …a 30 minute MP3 with Matt, Jared and I talking about what a personal brand is and what it has done for our careers and our business. I even share the secret of how I landed Coca-Cola as a 24 year old marketing consultant!

I know that there is a rockstar within me and there is one in you. Want to find out more on how to let that Rockstar out? Sign up today for The Under 30 Rock Star Business Series before space runs out. Tell them BenSpark sent you.