Tag Archives: Marcia

Special Delivery

Special Delivery
Photo-A-Day #1483

Eva has a box that is now empty but was filled with clothes from her Mimi and Grandpa Dano. They sent the box up ahead of them for their trip here. They are staying with us for the next few days. It is really nice that they have some time to spend with Eva and they are going to go to Eva’s first “dance” class tomorrow… Wiggles and Giggles… at the YMCA. I think Eva will love a class like this so I’m anxious to hear how she does.

Today is the last possible day that comments can be counted on my two posts Being Responsible and Blogs, Brews 2 Recap. I’m in a little contest with some other bloggers and I’m slightly behind the leader and could use every comment I can get, so please help me out even if you already commented before.

Also a friend of mine Autumn has a dog named Cosmo and Cosmo is a mixed breed from a high kill shelter. Cosmo is in a little contest too. He needs some votes. Autumn says:

If he wins he will be cover dog for the month of May on www.snobbydogs.com. People can vote for Cozmo at http://www.snobbydogs.com/vote.cfm?id=0005A51C-E8EE-19C3-BF068873D18E006C you must also confirm your email. Only one vote per email. I have not received any spam from this company and we have ordered from them.

I just think it would be great if a little mixed breed pup from a high kill shelter would win.

He will win a couple of prizes that we do not need so we will donate them to a local animal shelter, also I will make a donation based on the number of votes he wins by to a shelter or animal organization.

I love hearing how people will help out the animal shelters. I’m helping my sister on a new project for our local animal shelter and it isn’t quite ready yet but once it is I’ll let you all know.

Peek You

Peek You
Photo-A-Day #1478

Today we trekked on up to New Hampshire to visit Allison’s brother Nate and his wife Sarah. They are expecting their first baby and subsequently our first niece. The visit was for their baby shower. Allison’s parents are up for both the shower but also for Allison’s cousin’s wedding next weekend.

Eva had quite the day, she went strong from the moment she woke up till 14 minutes after we left Nata and Sarah’s place. Eva got to play with a little girl named Brenna. Brenna is older than Eva and she so wants a little sister so the two of them were buddies for the day. Eva would follow Brenna around and say “hand”. “Hand” means “take my hand and I will lead you around until I am tired of doing so”. Eva doesn’t get tired doing that at all. She walked all over the back yard and through the house, she had so much fun. We all did.