Photo-A-Day #3716
I haven’t had much time to play with Eva alone lately. With school and dance and everything else we haven’t had any time together. So, today after school I took eva and the Mobo Cruiser over to Capron Park so that she could ride it around and try it out. She has only sat in it so far and I wanted to see what she thought of it and how she would do on it. She was shaky at first. She was complaining about her legs hurting and her knees hurting but that was only because she hasn’t done any real exercise in a while. She runs around for gym but nothing too substantial. This was a different movement for her and I knew it would just take a little while before she would be a pro. She was the same way with roller skating last month and by the end of the night she wanted to go over and over again.
I thought we’d go once around the park but we ended up going 2 1/2 times because she really started to enjoy it, as I expected. She still needs to learn to gradually apply the brake and to steer with a little more subtlety. She was flinging herself this way and that. I also need to add some air to the tired but she did really well on her first real outing.
The Mobo Cruiser was sent to us for review and play. Opinions are 100% our own and we will be using it much more this Summer on the Cape.