Tag Archives: My Little Pony

Mash’Ems and Fash’Ems, Squishy Fun

Mashems and Fashems

When I was at Time to Play I visited the Tech 4 Kids booth and learned more about the Mash’Ems and Fash’Ems lines. I received a bunch of them to play with and review. Opinions are 100% my own.

There are a bunch of brands in the Mash’Ems line. I was excited to see that both Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were Mash’Ems. These squishy little characters are fun to squeeze toss and bounce. I love seeing little cute versions of characters that I ca collect. These are also fun display pieces, and as a guy who has tons of toys on display it is nice to add some more to the mix.

In addition to the Mash’Ems there were also the Fash’Ems. These figures come with accessories. The Fash’Ems that we received were My Little Pony. I got a two pack with a couple of characters and a single pack with one figure and two accessories. Continue reading Mash’Ems and Fash’Ems, Squishy Fun

My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks on DVD Today

Rainbow Rocks

The whole family went to see My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks a few months ago and we loved it. The kids loved the songs. Allison and I enjoyed the jokes. When the movie was over Eva asked immediately if we would get a copy of the movie to review. Well, we received our copy the other day and got to watch it again along with commentary, 8 animated shorts as well as a sing along and even more. The movie was so much fun and even more fun seeing it a second time.

In Rainbow Rocks there are three other banished beings (not necessarily ponies) who are trying to gain Equestria Magic to get back into power. They feed on negative energy and target Canterlot High to get that negative energy. The only people who are immune to their “siren song” are the five new friends and a now reformed Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer is truly trying to be a good person and she’s become friends the five girls who have formed a band called the Rain Booms. Rainbow Dash started the band so she named it the Rain Booms.

Here are some additional clips. Continue reading My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks on DVD Today